I'm in a bit of a spastically good mood right now. Not sure why or what would have brought it on (aside from getting some sweet Cyndi Lauper bubble gum cards and stickers in the mail today!!) but I'm pretty much the happiest person on the planet right about now.
Semester be winding down now and I can feel it because I'm in the lag time between final exams and projects. But the projects are kicking ass. For my design class, I get to design a set of salt and pepper shakers. If nothing else, this class has more than proven to me that a) I am and probably will always be a goth at heart and b) I'm so a one trick pony when it comes to my art stuffs. Almost every damn project that I've done for this class has had an element of something spooky or something similar involved. It's been fun though. And I get to build some sweet models of my shakers so that's exciting too. Also gives me an excuse to break out the polymer clay to make the christmas pickle for August and the other fun little ornament that he'll just have to wait for. :)
Otherwise, I'm looking forward to the break and really looking forward to second semester. Getting these shytastic first year classes out of the way will pretty much make life that much better. And next semester, I enter the world of no goddamn bio!! (Hallelujahs are accepted if anyone's willing to give them.)
And I've started with the making of gifties for people. I'm not going to lie, I've been a little worried about this. I remember back in my MacEwan days when giving people things was a "I'm sewing shit on christmas eve and trying like hell to get it done before dawn" sort of scenarios and I would like to avoid doing that if possible this year.
Speaking of the holiday season, I'm not sure if I mentioned it (and I'm not going back to check) but I'm actually decorating this year. Yes, I'm the one who's been grinchy about Christmas since I was about sixteen but thanks to the boyfriend and his love of it, I've been convinced to actually get into it. I even dug out the santa hats for the bat tree in my kitchen. This should be interesting but it's proving to be fun and with the decorations that August gave me, it should be a pretty fantastically 80s/Halloween inspired christmas after all.
And for those who were wondering about the electric dog:
When that same question was posed to a bunch of school kids, they were to draw their answers. The one kid drew a bone with a cord coming out of it. How ridiculously great is that? I'm not sure if you guys are as delighted as I was but I thought that was a fantastic answer to a fantastic question.
Until next time, have a good week friends!