So most people know that I'm not all up on this holiday stuff but since I've been convinced to actually erect a tree (heh, erect...don't look at me like that. You were all thinking it!) and hang decorations and stuff, I figured why not post a little something in my journal for the rest of you to enjoy. And you'll be happy to know that it's not even the song "Christmas Sucks" nor is it your typical cheery stuff.
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Oh and a fun little story for you before I go off to an interview: So the other day, August and I were wandering through Toys R Us taking a look at the fun stuff they had there and on the way out, I noticed that the poster holders had a different picture on them now. This was normally the spot where you'd find Edward Cullen's brooding face or something else Twilight related but this time, I was greeted to the "Thriller era" face of Michael Jackson. In a Toys R Us. Now honestly, I strayed from even talking about sir Jackson and his death because honestly, nothing he did or didn't do matters anymore. He's gone. End of story. He was a musician. He had blindingly horrible amounts of fame and money. He may or may not have done some bad shit. However, I bring this up now because it seemed funny to me that a year ago, there was absolutely no fucking way that you would find any of those posters sitting in that smiling box and the last place you would find them was in a store selling kid stuff. So yeah. There you go for Christmas-y oddness courtesy of Toys R Us!
And now to get ready for my job interview!