The Song Remains the Same Squee Post
^ How sad am I that we changed the title of this episode?
Wincest underlined so you can easily skip to the good parts avoid the brotherfucking.
One ex-blood addict, one drop out with six bucks to his name, and Mr. Comatose over there. )
Jensen was so, soooo beautiful this ep, I got so distracted by his sheer gorgeousness when I should have been paying attention to what was happening. Had to watch it again and yeah, he distracted me again but this time I was ready for it and persevered. And Jared! He was just as tragic and beautiful and epic with the acting skills.
And seriously, you could smell the Wincest coming off this ep! And I love what wutendeskind said about Cain & Abel and the thousands of years of incest in her post. It actually made me rethink my hate-on of this biblical reference when it comes to the boys because, oh yes, IT CONFIRMS THE WINCEST :D:D:D ( ... )
Just curious - what's your #1?
(Okay, I might have to reconsider my #1...)
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