Need some slightly TMI help

May 01, 2008 13:36

Long story short: I got back from vacation a couple of weeks ago and my stomach/intestines are still angry at me for that whole week of eating non-self prepared and unusual food. (Don't worry it's nothing like Montezuma's revenge or bad water, it was just eating out for a week along with travel anxiety.)

I've been trying to follow a more bland diet since I got back, lots of brown rice with veggies and plain pasta, but I'm still not back to my old self yet. Does anyone have any other suggestions for getting back on track? Supplements, veggies or products I should avoid, saltines or master cleanse? Anything?

And of course I ask this lovely community because cheap and vegan are always my preferred methods. ;)

Thanks for your help!

(By the way, if you ever fly United be prepared to pack your own food -- they think that 4 uncooked carrots coated with tomato paste is an acceptable vegan meal, BLECH!!)

health, suggestions

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