027 [video]

Nov 30, 2010 05:39

[...at first, the feed is only audio. Pidgeys are chirping in the background, welcoming the dawn, and you can hear another odd sound...flowing water, maybe?

All of a sudden, however, these peaceful morning sounds are interuptted by the shrill cries of one very distressed Furret.]

F-fuuurr! Furr furret!

Wha...Lady? [Guess who sounds...incredibly groggy, as if they just woke up.] Lady, do you know what time it is? What are you--



Furret furr fuurrrr!

[At that loud, rather ominous thump, the video feed turns on, showing an awkward angle shot of Phoenix splayed out on the ground underneath a tree. One can only deduce that, somehow, he'd been sleeping up there.


What the... [With a groan, the lawyer sits up, wincing and rubbing the small of his back.] How did I get up there...? [The camera bobs and begins to move towards him, before Phoenix spots his trouble making Furret and snatches the Pokégear from her paws.] Lady, how many times have I told you that my Pokégear is not a to--

[He pauses.

...sorry, he just stops. His gaze is locked on something beyond the Pokégear's scope, and whatever it is, it's freaking him the fuck out.

Slowly, he turns the camera around to show--


Phoenix is sooo not amused.]

A-and how the heck did I end up here?!
[ooc; oh my god guys that event was amazing and I love you all forever.]

phoenix the butt monkey, route 34, darn you johto darn you well, !ic, i've got a bad feeling about this, what a?!, location location location, what a jolly good nap, made it out alive, !video

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