028 [video; action for Goldenrod!]

Dec 06, 2010 17:12

[So after the whole fiasco with the whole, y'know, suddenly appearing in Goldenrod oh lolwhat, Phoenix has been...fairly quiet on the network, which is actually probably a good thing considering every other post he makes, he's getting into some sort of trouble.

Anyway, the feed opens to Phoenix sitting back on his bed at the Goldenrod Inn with an...oddly long looking Lady sprawled out on his lap, with Pidge the newly evolved Pidgeot settled comfortably to the other side.]

I swear, she gets bigger every time I look at her... [He's looking down at his Furret with a slightly bemused expression before he turns back to the camera.

...does he look a little bit somber? Maybe it's because he hasn't been able to get in contact with a certain spirit medium...but, with a small shake of his head, he puts up a fairly genuine smile and sounds pretty cheerful all-in-all when he begins;]

Er...to everyone that saw Kay's post earlier -- [He grimaces a bit, oh god that was so embarassing--] --just to clarify, it looks like Butch and her Wooper, Flapper, managed to run off while I was still in Violet and, er... [He gestures somewhat hopelessly. How does he even word this...] ...they had kids. Eggs, I mean.

Kaito, Kay told me you'd take one, but...we still need to find homes for the other four. So, if anyone wants a Wooper egg, uh...now's your chance. [Why would you even want one, he wonders. Oh, well.

...he takes a moment to pause, apparently thinking about something, before his face lights up a bit and he asks;]

That reminds me...

Does anyone know if it's legal to gamble in Johto?

[ooc; Feel free to come pound on his door if you feel like it, he'll be lounging around for a while!]

johto is boring for once in a blue moon, woopers hitting puberty, ulterior motives, !ic, goldenrod city, phoenix the mother hen, where are you taking this conversation, i've got a bad feeling about this, !video

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