036 [voice/action for Violet Pokémon Center; dated to around eight in the morning]

Feb 27, 2011 06:24


[...this voice sounds oddly familiar...where have you all heard it before?] Why do I feel like a just got hit by a bus...?

--Butch, no, get back here. You're not helping, okay? I just need to go--

Qua! Qua quags--FURRRURRET! Furr furr!

Lady, please, I'm really just going to get a drink of water, you don't have to--

[Waaaait a second, those 'Mons...could this be...?!

IT IS! It's Johto's residential blue-suited lawyer, risen from the dead coma he'd been in for the past few weeks.

...now, why is he, well...whispering?]

Ssh, you two, you'll wake her up. Just...argh. Just be good for a little bit, alright? I promise, I'll be right back.

[...all is quiet, save for some disappointed whining sounds and the scuffling of little feet. There's a sigh from Phoenix, and a couple more quiet steps later, the sound of a door opening and closing, only creaking in the slightest as the bedridden lawyer journeys forth into the big-wide world once more.

Well, not exactly. After all, he's in no shape to leave the Pokémon Center yet, and there's a disappointed/annoyed sound from his end of the Gear before, with one last irritable sigh, he addresses the network in a normal speaking voice.]

Good, er...good morning. Am I using this thing right? I, uh...I guess I'm back.

[...why does he sound so mad about it?] I guess it's true, when people say that they've gone home and come back...but I never thought it could be so...

[Unnaturally cruel and unusual? Sudden? Entirely inconvenient? Either way, there's obviously something really bugging him, and his tone sounds anxious, if not flat-out scared and...just the tiniest bit angry. Phoenix can actually get ANGRY?! Whaaaaat??]

A-anyway. If there's anyone that knows how this happens, or -- what causes it, or anything -- please, let me know. I need to go back. There's... [An unsteady pause.] There's someone who needs my help, and if I don't go back soon, she'll--

She'll...p-please. I'm the only one who can save her.

[There's a few seconds of quiet, a pause that almost feels solemn, even without the aid of being able to see Phoenix's desperate, frightened face.]

Maya...be safe, please...

[And, with that, the transmission cuts off.]


[Anyone wandering around the upper-area halls of the Pokémon Center in the morning is welcome to see Phoenix tottering around unsteadily, trying to get the feeling back in his legs. He won't be out for long, though, so after maybe a half-hour, he'll have retired back to his room, where one sleeping teen is waiting for him. Feel free to visit him later in the day, as well, since he won't be checking out of the Center until early evening.]

[Private audio call to Shiho Miyano:]

Ms. Miyano? I'm sorry for disappearing so suddenly like that -- were you able to make it to a Pokémon Center alright? And, er...I-I hope Pidge and Pearly haven't been causing you too much trouble. Feel free to send them to me in Violet whenever you have the time.

[Private audio call to Shelly de Killer:]

I need to talk to you, Mr. de Killer. Where are you?


shit just got real, darn you johto darn you well, i was in the middle of something, phoenix the papa wolf, !ic, !voice, location location location, what a jolly good nap, irrational amounts of depression, made it out alive, serious business

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