035 [video]

Feb 14, 2011 19:54


[And, after a little bit of sniffling, the feed opens to...blankets. OH MY GOD IT'S THE RETURN OF THE BLANKET MONSTER RUN FOR YOUR LIV--


...but, anyway. There's another sneeze, and if one looks closely, you might be able to see the fever-flushed face of one rather irritable-looking lawyer peeking out from beneath the giant ball of quivering, Bellossom-print sheets.

And he does NOT look amused.]

Mmng. Turn that off, Lady.

[The camera gives a little jiggle, and a chirpy "Furr, furrrr furret!" might just indicate that Phoenix's official cameramon is not listening to a word he's saying. You really should start disciplining your Pokémon more, Phoenix.]

Seriously, Lady, now is just not the tim-- [COUGH. COUGH COUGH.] ...you know what, do what you want. See if I care.

Furrrrrr! [ :D b

...Lady, I think you're totally missing the point.]

Look, just... [A sigh. With some effort, he hauls himself up, clutching the blankets tight across his chest. aw, he DOES look pretty sickly, now that you can get a proper look at him. Heck, he's barely recognizable -- it's obvious that he hasn't brushed his hair for a while, and what with how long it is, being so tousled makes it look as if he has a big black mop on his head. He reaches a hand up to swipe it out of his eyes, and manages at least a mooostly cheerful grin.]


Happy Valentine's Day, everyo-- [SNEEZE.] ...ugh. I, uh...I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the festival today. [He...gestures vaguely with one of his hands, feeling as if there's no real need to explain WHY...] I hope everyone had fun, at least.

[He...actually looks pretty put-out about not being able to go. Fun fact: Phoenix actually really likes carnivals and circuses and festivals and the like. Despite not being too huge on Valentine's Day itself...he'd at least been looking forward to seeing Miles and his crazy sister dance, dangnabbit.]

So, er. [SNEEZE. COUGH. Look at those shaking shoulders...he really IS sick.] ...Lady, if you don't turn that off--

Furrurrr. [The camera shakes and, with a thump, lands next to Phoenix; Lady moseys her way over to Phoenix and drapes herself in his lap, as way of saying apology. Phoenix may or may not be convinced. Oh, well...he moves to turn the Pokégear off, but not before another cough is heard, as well as a mumbled;] ...I hate this city...

[ACTION for anyone in Violet that wants to give the poor guy a visit!]

phoenix is really a pacifist, phoenix the butt monkey, violet city, !ic, no love for lawyers, mauled by a something cute and fuzzy, !video, should've stayed at home

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