Dec 10, 2017 13:53
So yesterday afternoon I vacuumed. This morning I took things off my piano (which is an upright with the top and a "step" where I'll place some Christmas decorations. I took my tree decorations box out of my closet, set it on my bed. So I'm definitely on track to finish it today! Then I can turn to a (short) holiday letter - I think mostly about traveling to the UP, which in this case doesn't mean Uttar Pradesh.
I want to stop at the co-op this afternoon, and I hope there will be open spots in the parking lot. The nursery next door has a Sunday Christmas Market (inside) from Thanksgiving through Christmas, and dammit, the patrons fill up the co-op parking lot!
This morning I had coffee with cz_moon in my neighborhood DBs. Good to see her! Luckily the streets were ok today - but we'll get a little snow tomorrow. It's 30ish today. I'm just relieved that I can open all things that should open, on my car, and that I got gas!