computer crash

Feb 28, 2008 06:42

Here I am, a month after my email blew up and my hard drive blew up this time. I still have a paper due and it's due Friday at midnight, and the homeschooling newsletter is due at the end of the week. David was able to save my documents, ftmp, but I can't connect to the internet on my laptop and have no way to get my documents on to the kid's computer because the DVD player won't recognize the data on the DVD disk that David put my docs on.

So, I have 400+ unread emails and haven't checked LJ in days. MW, your package will go out tomorrow = sorry for the delay :(

But two funny things.

1. Conversations you never want to have at your ex-husband's house.

Jude: I have a penis, and Uncle Grumpy (David) has a vagina.
Kelly and everyone: No, Uncle Grumpy has a penis too.
Jude: NO he doesn't He has a vagina. And my dad has a penis, and it's BIG!

Heh. We all about died laughing. At least david has a sense of humor.

2. I called 800 directory assistance today to get the number for EZ Pass. I called it and it gave me another number, which was a phone sex line!!

I finally got ahold of them and the rep was dying - he couldn't believe it!

OK, off to fight the computer/college paper battle some more. Laura, I'll email you the paper. It cites a lot of stuff, so may not make total sense, but you might enjoy it.

ftts, q@#, jude

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