chatchien Apr 20, 2015 12:21
frankenstein, good trash tv, trash tv, history, brit tv, fantasy, picayune tv, what i saw, lagniappe, tv, orphan black, nosferatu
chatchien Sep 09, 2012 15:27
carmen jones, old movies, black orpheus, charlie chaplin, the subject was movies, romeo and juliet 1936, max ophuls, metropolis, movie night, otto preminger, hallelujah!, eraserhead, movies, wings of desire, the umbrellas of cherbourg, letter from an unknown woman, black cinema, imitation of life, nosferatu
chatchien Jun 04, 2012 02:57
game of thrones, good trash tv, trash tv, fantasy, alternate universe, what i saw, tv, nosferatu
chatchien Oct 17, 2010 14:15
movie night, old movies, u tube, movies, nosferatu