What I Saw: Game of Thrones, Season 2, Episode 10

Jun 04, 2012 02:57

Well, we know what we will be waiting for when the next season of Game of Thrones begins.

Win Lannister is now The Hand of The King. He's had his hand in that before. Wasn't he The Hand of The King when the Last Targaryean was killed by Jamie? Watch Out King Joffery! When Win is Handing, No King is Safe!

I think that King Joffery would be even more upset when he discovers Win's Horse poop just outside of the Throne Room that Joffery has just renovated. And then there is trip to the Future or the Past or the Throne Room that Silver Targaryean takes when she goes to rescue her dragons from the Carth Stem Cell Research Center. Maybe Joffery redecorated the Throne Room after the Horse Heaping Dump Incident. Joffery was going for the Winter Season Look but with Light and Air and Falling Snow. Maybe Silver was in a Snow Globe. Or Joffery was going for a Snow Globe Look, "Let's shake this Throne up and see what falls out!" Nope, Joffery isn't that adventurous, not in anything so Un-Sexual.

Win's Horse Dumps, King Joffery Dumps Sansa, and Robb, the Cutest King South and North of the Wall (I've seen enough of those Northerners to be able to say that with confidence), Dumps the Much Discussed but Who Knows Who She Really Is Fry Girl. I guess that I finally got all the Shit that I was promised when Tyrion talked about his earlier career as a Sanitation Engineer for Castor Oil Rock.

Stupid shows up at Tyrion's much reduced bedside to see what a ripped off face really looks like. That is how you do it, Stupid. Take note for any future face ripping that you may start promising your enemies. Tyrion admits that he likes to connive and plot. Now if he could only become good at it. He didn't do too badly at fighting a battle that all that conniving and plotting of his family produced. Will Tyrion give Win a Hand at the Hand Job business?

Sansa, Witless Daughter of Mama Stark, don't you wish that you had run off with Smushed Face now? Jane EyreEa got away from Harrow Hall which is now Little Finger's Crib. Why was Little Finger so happy and honored to be awarded that Dump? I think that King Joffery was poking Little Finger's pride and giving Little Finger the Royal Finger by giving him that property. Or, maybe King Joffery wants Little Finger to invite him to Harrow Hall and have him re-decorate the place. There will be plenty of rats and roaches for King Joffery to torture if he goes there.

And Jack Hogan, Jane EyreEa's Assassin made himself a New Face. Will he go to King's Landing and give Tyrion a New Face? I didn't know that Jack was a plastic surgeon. That man has surfaces that have yet to be lasered off.

Drogo came back! And he was just as Nekkid as he should be! Although he was dead, as dead as that Horse (not the Dumping Horse of Win) of the White Walker. The Great Stallion was running throughout this episode---first at King's Landing, then at the Stem Cell Research Center, and lastly beyond the Wall. What was that horse eating beyond the Wall? And the only reason why Drogo is not the Cuter King than Robb is because Drogo is a Khalasar not a King.

I have a question for all fans: Which Dragon is Silver Targaryean's Favorite Dragon? The answer? The Red Winged Dragon. Mommy is already playing Favorites with her Dragon Brood. Red Wing gets the place of honor in Silver's arms and he offers the first light to the Multiple Skeleton Man in the Stem Cell Research Center.

And the Cask of Amontillado! The King of Carth is No More! Is Silver Targaryean a KingSlayer and Mother of Dragons? She is one Bad Ass Mother!

And my favorite, Stannis, is having a Pity Party with Witchy Woman---it is a more intimate Pity Party than the Great Bash that Cersei was having in King's Landing. Stannis and Witchy Woman smoke some weed and stare into the Fire and have even weirder dreams than Silver Targaryean. You know what? I am betting right now that some how and some way, Stannis and Silver end up together at the end of all of this. Both of them are wild about Fire and not Afraid of it. Does Stannis have some Targaryean blood in him? I mean, in between boffing their sisters, some Targaryean must have tasted some other woman flesh.

I am not too worried about Jon Snow. He is a Witling amongst the Wildings, he'll do fine. But I am worried about Sam. What is a lover not a fighter doing in the midst of the Army of the Undead and the Winter Carnival Counts? How does he get out of that? Although, one of the Winter Carnival Counts didn't seem too interested in Sam when he saw him. Sam was probably sweaty and the Cool Counts hate Sweat.

Until Winter Comes....

game of thrones, good trash tv, trash tv, fantasy, alternate universe, what i saw, tv, nosferatu

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