Now that cancellation is confirmed, Mr. Whedon is running the Dollhouse fearlessly. What he is turning out is fearless; I don't know what the office politics on the show are like. The Fox Executives are falling like gun shot tin cans off a bullet battered fence. I'm betting that was one fantasy of the show runners that has been satisfying fulfilled.
Mr. Whedon is blowing the ring wing of the brain cortex out of existence in the Body Politic. I am enjoying the flying gore.
Our heroine, Echo (not Caroline by the way, but Echo) is out of the Dollhouse and in the Real World. And she is living fearlessly.
She is a Garbage Lady, minus a shopping cart, fighting the rats in the garbage alley ways for her food. And she is eating garbage fearlessly. I bet she eats cockroaches when she finds them too. And there are plenty of cockroaches around garbage dumps. So Echo is eating a pure protein diet.
But there is only so much protein the body can stand before it starts craving the heavy carbohydrates. And Echo comes in from the alley way to a grocery store to steal a loaf of bread. I'd go for the Twinkies, if I were her, but I'm not a gal who can fight a guy who has six inches and fifty pounds on me with my bare legs.
The Grocery store doesn't service patrons who have no money or only food stamps and what is with that? The government prints money and food stamps on the same printing presses---this is sounding sort of fiscalist to me. Down with the Ists and the Isms, I say. And pass out that money to someone other than the Big Banks.
So Echo goes to a Money Machine and asks it for money.
"Give me Money." She's done this before. Remember when Echo was lactating and she got in a car on the passenger's side with a baby and told the car to drive her somewhere? I do. Is Echo from the future? Where Rossum Industries has taken over Toyota and GM and manufactures cars with seminal intelligence? Or are the cars where they put the overflow from the Attic?
The ATM, unlike the Dolls in the Dollhouse, doesn't give it up, and Echo ends up fighting off an oversized deputy from the Medina Texas Sheriff's Department. Echo also gets an illegal immigrant named Galena put in the county hoosegow.
And here is the beauty of this episode (and it mows down the FOX Executives). Echo is an illegal immigrant in her own country, sort of like Galena is an illegal immigrant in the US. But I think that Galena is from Central America, somewhere. I don't speak Spanish, so I can't tell from her accent where she is from. And powerless Galena is thrown in the county jail, just like powerless Caroline was thrown into the Dollhouse. They are both imprisoned by The Oppressors.
And now for the reason why FOX Execs get executed----the Sheriff Rand who runs the Medina Texas County Jail is actually
Sheriff Arpaio who runs an Arizona Jail and who is a Kill the Illegals Before They Spread kind of guy and who makes the inmates in his prison wear pink underwear (maybe for sexual purposes). See Lou Dobbs? That Illegal Immigrant Ranting can get you on a cancelled FOX show, if you keep it up.
This is Sheriff Rand:
who runs the County Jail.
And this is Sheriff Arpaio
who runs the County Jail. Friggin' spooky, ain't it?
And these Sheriffs are about to learn that child labor in Central America doesn't make a pair of pink underwear big enough to contain Echo's Butt, Brothers.
Echo hooks up with XFBI Guy (I have upped his Character Credentials to Guy instead of Creep because it has become apparent to both him and me that he realizes that sleeping with Dolls is Creep Sex and should not be indulged in). And with Prince Avuncular Guy who is now The King of Conspiracies, I might start calling him, Brutus. And they conspire to rescue Galena, the attractive illegal immigrant who, in any other situation, would be exercising herself on a Stripper Pole in a roadhouse down the street from the County Jail, but that doesn't happen here.
Galena is in County getting beaten up and, with this show, that might be a euphemism for SEX. Ever notice that Loving Echo means that she kicks her boyfriend's butt or
sticks a shiv in his neck (hint: George W. Perrin)?
Echo discovers feelings for her pimp, XFBI Guy
and they strip down
and Go At it Like Ninjas On Steroids,
and have a Little Cuddle.
And then, they sleep in separate beds:
because Echo has got The Jimmy Legs. And she can crush a Grown Man's Windpipe with those Legs.
I really like Echo now. Not because she is saving people (OK, that does help) but because she goes by my philosophy of dating. Never Date a Guy Whose Ass You Can't Kick. And Always Go Dutch for Dinner. Smart Gal.
Back at the Dollhouse, Mme DeWitt is in the Dollhouse Doghouse because of Echo's disappearance.
Mme DeWitt is serving her superior, Mr. Harding, who is running the Dollhouse now.
Prince Avuncular Guy or the King of Conspiracies or Brutus tells her to do something about it. Take the Dollhouse back.
And Mme DeWitt is being mercilessly teased by Topher who is running R&D in the Dollhouse.
Mother May Mme DeWitt come in and speak to Topher?
Maybe or Maybe Not. Topher is having fun cutting up and cutting his Mother Figure, Mme DeWitt. You are gonna regret that, Topher.
Topher is inventing Space Ray Guns that stop Dollies Dead in Their Tracks. And teasing his other favorite Dollie, Kilo, with it.
And when Topher isn't playing Body and Space Invaders, he is solving the great puzzle of how to Invade the Bodies of Anybody and Not Just Dolls without having to clone and nurture their Bodies in Pods. Topher has solved the Riddle of the Personalities and What Do Women Want.
No, Topher hasn't Solved the Riddle of What Do Women Want. He tells Mme DeWitt about his discovery and she sells him out and betrays him to get her Position of Power back in the Dollhouse.
Silly Topher! Mme DeWitt wants POWER! And even though she got it back because of you, she isn't going to let you do what you want. You are her Baby Boy whom she will abuse and cuddle as she pleases. You are going to have to go back to the neuron links and practice on Bennet. Mme DeWitt is way out of your league, Topher. We thought that she liked Victor, but you are the ONE, Topher. All shit runs downhill and you are downhill now. Keep your mouth shut from now on. Cockroaches taster better than shit. Hahaha!
Mme DeWitt is back, baby, back on the top floor.
And it is PayBack Time on the Dollhouse ATM.
"I rule the house. I will never let anyone challenge that again."
Back at the County Jail where Sheriff Rand Runs the JailHouse, things look sort of like a low grade Dollhouse.
Echo Acting like Topher---Check.
An Unresisting Dollie on the Gurney of Altered Consciousness----Check.
The Dollhouse and the JailHouse are the Same Thing. Hey, didn't Alpha start out as a Volunteered Criminal Subject for the Dollhouse when it first started up? It's like a Loop.
Only note one thing. Topher's monitors have the Human Brain on them:
But Echo's monitor has the Human Heart.
And if Shit Rolls downhill, notice how POWER Rolls UpHill:
Mr. Ambrose of Rossum Industries.
Mme DeWitt of LA Dollhouse. "Welcome back, Luv."
And the New Kids in the Dollhouse.
The Fight is ON!
Where Does Topher Live?
In the Walls of the Dollhouse? He is like the Dollhouse Rat.
Only not really, because he gets ratted on more than he rats.
The Prime of Mme DeWitt:
Mme DeWitt tells us that she was Scientific when she was young. Most Madames start out as Whores themselves.
Was Mme DeWitt like the
Famous Belle Du Jour? Scientist by Day. Prostitute by Night. And a PhD in neurotoxicology.