Dec 20, 2012 16:20
Alright. So this episode. From the summary, it's making me think that someone, somewhere, is going to actually notice Merlin. For once in his life. Because every other time he's never been noticed. Maybe they're going to notice because something tragic is happening in the Camelot and he's not there to save all their friggin asses for once. I hope so. Maybe this Druid isn't going to do something bad. Hopefully. I really do like the Druids. Except when they don't listen to Merlin. I mean, really, you guys hail him as almost godly, then turn around and ignore him, or plot against him, or just *flaily upset hands* Anyway. Show time.
Gwen. You bitch. HAHAHA. Poor Merlin. That was both part jealousy (though he's used to that, so it's easier to tamp out) and disgust cuz he knows she's faking it. is this kid a fake? The way to get Emrys out of Camelot so that it can be attacked without his protection? Dang. Smart.
Arthur is so hopeless without Merlin it's not even funny. I'm glad he's going to realize just how much of a hopeless case he is without him. This will be a good episode, me thinks. (And I think my whole summary deduction might be totally wrong, but EEEH, who cares, this is better).
Gaius acts like he's never lied to the king before. And what the heck, Merlin used to do it to Uther all the time. I don't see what the big deal is.
Merlin's so cute. So proud of Gaius and stuff. It's adorable.
Arthur doesn't know how to dress himself. Already knew that, but still fucking hilarious.
Oh she-it. This little boy is an ambush. That's quite cruel to do to Emrys little boy. But yeah, I understand your anger, I mean really, magic should be back already. And it isn't. He is feeling so much dread and regret right now.
When did Mordred move up so high in the ranks that he gets to stand next to Arthur in welcoming a king from a nation he doesn't like, much less trust? Interesting.
Ooh, Gwen sees her chance. Is Gwen going to be un-Stockholmed I wonder. Because, I don't know if I want her to. Maybe Lance can come and whisk her away where she can love him and put aside her newfound hatred of Arthur. That would be an interesting twist to the plot.
Aha, Morgana. You witch. (get it?) Poor Merlin. Oh. Wow. Okay. Who's going to save Merlin? Because he could use the help.
Okay, so wait, how did Morgana become a priestess to begin with? Like...did she become one because Morgause died? Does that mean Merlin is a Priest because he killed Nimueh? Or did Morgause become Priestess because Nimueh died? I don't understand. When did they explain all of this?
Aithusa. You silly little beast. Morgana doesn't know how to care for you. Honestly, I'm all for Morgana having him, but she should at least have taken dragon care 101. But then, he might have told her about Merlin, and that wouldn't be good at all. Well, it's not like she isn't trying to kill him now, her finding out he's going to be her doom would just up the ante, wouldn't it? Maybe even put him at the top of her To Kill list, instead of Arthur.
For them that had lost all hope of Morgana/Gwen. IT LIVES!!!!
(Side note, oh shit Merlin's bed is stiff. Wow)
This bit just insinuated that Merlin isn't important. This Bitch.
Haha, everyone's all, "Let's Go Bitch. Fuck you and yo Mama"
Merlin already knew they were planning that. The question is How, silly.
Going to insert a little tearjerker in there. How dare you. And to use the redemption trope. Honestly. Why does it work every time?
Merlin is so sweet. He gave him the credit. So he gets to die with honor. While Merlin gets put back in the corner while Gwen and Morgana try to close in on him as he fights to save Arthur. That really is so sad. Why is it that Merlin loses all of his allies? Especially when it's him that needs them the most. I think Merlin should tell Gwaine about his magic. Because if he's anything like the I-only-have-one-friend person he was to begin with, then he wouldn't care even a little bit that Merlin has magic. But even then I get the feeling that he wouldn't do that anymore, because he's just so different now. The man to never grow up has grown up.
And then Merlin finds out that Gwen knew he was dying and just left him to it. I have no idea how Merlin has a heart anymore. How many times has it been broken already?
Oh no, Merlin, don't tell me you're going to try and kill her. Please don't. I don't think you could take it. Please don't. Just no. I don't like this. I don't like this at all. Bring back Lance and make her love him and chase her off. Do anything. Just don't kill her. Please.
medieval husbands,
tv watchage,
fuckin' feels,