Greetings! I have returned!

Apr 02, 2007 20:39

*Walks onto stage*

Yes it is true. I am alive...but more than that I am...for the most part...not depressed and emo...maybe not happy happy but not depressed either...kind of that middle ground in between...

So this update is probably going to be quite long...I will update the things that have happened...or the important ones anyway...but to kick start it off, lets have some the form of...
(drum roll please)
See we were having a test to see if we had understood the complexities of a new tense or somethign like that in Latin. And we do that by translating a million and one dfferent sentances that all have the same thing to look out for. So needless to say we get bored...and when we get bored we decided "screw it, lets muck around". That is when we normally get out the letters that we write to the boyfriend of one of my friends...
However, this Latin lesson was different...we decided we would translate...translate wrongly yes, but still translate. Here is what we came up with...
We had to choose a verb from the brackets...the verb in the right form..and translate the sentance. I didn't bother with choosing the verbs because I tend to get them wrong anyway...
(n.b. our translations are in bold)

Imperator spectaculum splendidum in ampitheatro cras (dabunt, dabis)
The Emperor saw splendid crabs being given to the ampitheatre

vos estis fortiores quam illi barbari; eos facile (suberabitis,superabis)
You are strong when I am a barbarian; it is easy to be Superman

tu in villa mane; nos per posticum (effugiam, effugiemus)
You are in a handy villa; we put the post on an effigy

ego sum probus; tibi pecuniam (reddemus, reddam)
I am probe; give me money

fugite! hostes mox (aderunt, aderit)
Fugit! (said "Fug It!" Fuck it!) Our host has smallpox

And to finish with...a random pearl of wisdom from our friendly friend... :S ...
"American gangstaaaaaa chav-ish holy crap fireworks"
with referance to the new firework display at the White house...

*Waits for applause to die down*
"Thank you all, I will be here all week."
*Bows and walks off stage*
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