And we return to philosophy tutorial doodles! Let's just jump right in, shall we?
So in philosophy we were discussing the explanations one might come up with to explain external stimuli. For instance: Why do apples fall out of trees? Because the Apple Gods are angry.
Oftentimes, when you are looking for an evil person to use an example, the reflex is to fall back on Hitler. We did that a lot in tutorial. In this case, we were talking about killing a homeless person to give his organs to a whole bunch of really nice people, and Phil asked if we'd be willing to kill the homeless guy if he was... HITLER. So of course I drew that.
I think a similar thing was happening here, I can't be sure. I don't think we were discussing eating Hitler, but who knows. It was a crazy tutorial
This is just a demon. He doesn't really have anything to do with anything, I was just having fun drawing a weirdly shaped skeleton.
One day we were discussing our essays, and Phil said we had to put more original thought into them and not just paraphrase other philosophers, because nobody would put a "My child can paraphrase quite nicely" bumper sticker on their car. I sure showed him, eh?
We were discussing the time that Abraham Lincoln saved some piglets that he saw were in distress. I cleverly determined that this was probably a super power, and assigned him the title Pig Whisperer. Also, he's wearing a cape. Because there's no way you can prove he DIDN'T wear a cape.
Ah Dinocrates. Eloquent dinosaur philosopher, or the most eloquent dinosaur philosopher? I think we all know the answer. Anyways we were discussing the existence of God. Not sure what brought dinosaurs into it. Aside from them being awesome, obviously.
The return of Dinocrates! A full body shot this time, I realized partway through that I have no idea how to draw a dinosaur's hind legs, so he got a bitchin' toga instead.