In my Philosophy tutorials, half the fun was doing ridiculous doodles based on some of the crazy things my TA, Phil (yes, I had a philosophy tutorial with a guy named Phil) said. Also sometimes some of the concepts were pretty funny. I will try to explain the jokes in each picture as best I can.
This first one looks sort of like my TA, but wearing a top hat for reasons no longer readily apparent to me.
So for those of you out of the exciting first year philosophy loop, there's this thing called external world skepticism, and there are a lot of different theories about why we should doubt the external world. These include the evil demon hypothesis, the brain in a vat hypothesis and the computer hypothesis. During class I doodled most of these, starting simply and then building up to what I considered the ultimate skeptic's hypothesis.
This one combines the evil demon and computer hypotheses
This one is a superhero I designed, named Vat-Brain, based on the brain in a vat hypothesis! He is not a very good superhero (his brain is in a vat).
Combining the computer and brain in a vat hypotheses
Voila, the Ultimate Skeptic's Hypothesis: brain in a demon in a computer in a vat! Try to believe in the external world NOW!
That's all... for now!