Death in the "family"

Dec 20, 2010 00:00

For those of you who might know her--and it would probably be many old Escapade attendees and any old Star Wars fans-- Ming Wathne passed away last Friday, December 17.

I met her over 25 years ago when she hosted the local science fiction club, and was already a huge, huge Star Wars/Harrison Ford fan. Mostly a gen fan and the librarian for the Correlian Archives (a SW and all-fandom, gen, het, and slash lending zine library) for many years, she co-produced SW fanzines and made a host of other contributions to fandom and science fiction fans. She was a frequent attendee at Mediawestcon and the LASFA conventions, as well as the occasional WorldCon, for decades.

She died very peacefully, after a wonderful day out with her husband; she lay down for a nap and after a couple of hours it was clear that she simply wasn't going to wake up.

Please share the news around with people who might know and remember her.

Any words you'd like to leave here or email to me, I'll print and give to her husband (they don't keep email).

Rest in peace, Mariellen. We love you very much.


cross-posted from dreamwidth.
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