I am the Glee

Mar 22, 2011 22:21

I love the show. I love the pairings. I love the changing pairings, the gay--hell, I even like the teen angst. I love PUCK, for chrissakes (not that this would surprise many who know me). But hey, once he fell for Lauren, he was and is adorable to me.

But mostly, I just love the songs. I forget how much I love music, and how much it can inspire me, mostly because--on the radio, at least in my town--I have 3 English-speaking music stations I can get in my car, and two of them are oldies. Clearly, I need an iPod dock. And Pandora. And to make an effort to freakin' catch up to just how much great stuff is out there. Songs that make me want to run on the beach. Songs that make me jog with my dog, and skip in the park (literally), and stand up in the room and just move. So for that, Glee is a really sweet gift to me and I couldn't be happier.

Then there are other things. Last week's ep (no spoilers, don't worry): Kurt Hummel's hand. In the world of acting moments, that was an acting moment. That was a phenomenal acting moment that expressed all the things it could have about the scene. AMAZING. DELIGHTFUL. Sweet.

Santana having a heart. Finn being adorable in spite of himself. Loving loving loving Sue Sylvester.

Hating, with all my heart, Rachel. (I hate to wonder what that says about me, what I see in that whiny self-important twit that is cloearly some reflection of me.)

This is really a ton of fun. Even when the music I'm listening to right now is still almost as old as I am.

cross-posted from dreamwidth. http://charlottechill.dreamwidth.org/13014.html#comments

glee fandom

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