Public transport rules!

Dec 10, 2007 21:51

So yeah, i think we all know each other well enough to skip the introduction. Let's just get right into the past few days, shall we :)

Well, thursday began 8 weeks of wonderful laziness. Such a nice thing to be on break. I can get away from sadness, think about things carefully, meet up with friends and kick ass at Zelda (i'm up to the desert if anyone cares). Friday was a lot of fun, Georgia and Jayden came over and we played Risk (Georgia won the first game, Jayden lots badly. Then Jayden won the second game and Georgia lost badly). We talked for ages, Jayden is so funny, and it's great having the two of them around when i'm feeling low. They're good at making me laugh :) Jayden took my dog out for a walk haha, he didn't believe she hated walking, he took her half a street before he couldn't drag her anymore. We had Red Rooster for dinner if anyone cares :)

Saturday was a day like any other, except Steff came for a sleepover. It was so good to see her again, haven't really seen her for a year ^^;;; woops. We stayed up watching movies and talking till about 1 in the morning. She steals all the duna when she sleeps :( i kept waking up because i was cold, but i didn't take the blanket back for fear of waking up my friend. So then we woke up fairly late and had lots of orange juice for breakfast. Then we watched cartoons and talked a bit more and searched cool German bands (ahh i found some really good ones and i can sorta understand some of the lyrics :D) Then she left :( and i got to watch the rest of the movies she'd brought. I think she gave me tonsilitis. My throat feels yucky..

Sunday grew into nothing really, i played Zelda and bummed around when Steff had left. I think Alex texted me a fair bit over the weekend, that was fun. Oh yeah, when steff was over, the family went to maccas for lunch, and Alex was working there haha. He waved to us. Funny.

Today was fantastic. I woke up and started the day with a shower ^^ mm it was lovely. Then we had confusion about the train stops as i was meant to meat up with Jess, Nisha and Laura. Nisha and Laura got on the train in front of Jess, so i stayed and waited for her. Then we spent the train ride together on the way to Flinders. Ahh its fun to hang with her :D Aw she gave me a few choccies and a card, i felt so special. We talked for the whole trip and texted Rach a few times about some emos next to her talking about things which i shan't discuss for the sake of the children. Then, upon reaching Flinders, the ticket things didn't work. We had to get the guy there to get us through :) He was nice. Then we headed to that cute old style stationary shop that sells quills and leather bound books. It was so cool, i wanted to buy everything. Oh yeah, i had a fiasco with my money -.- the stupid atm wouldn't give me my money. Evil machine. Somewhere along the line we gave some buskers some change. They were pretty good too.

We moved onto other shops such as haighs and koko black and past the myer windows. I think we did some other stuff. Then we went and had lunch near where i had work experience, i even saw a guy i worked with. He didn't recognise me though. We had yummy sandwiches and i kept half of mine (more on that later) Then we trammed it to just outside the Botanical Gardens where we frollicked and sat in mud accidently. Rach, Nisha, Laura and I all climbed a tree :D man i sucked at that, i couldn't get a foot hold. I needed a hand from Laura ^^;;; Then we fed the ducks my half a sandwich i'd kept, they came right up to us and ate out of our hands :) so cute. Then we all went our separate ways, i on the train with Nisha and Jess, Alyra and Rach also taking trains, and Laura going to watch the carols.

Then i met mum at the Glen and she informed me she bought me my christmas present :) aww sweet. I can't wait till christmas, i got mum a present. It's a packet of ten chocolate frogs from Haighs; her favourite chocolate shop. So yeah, i came home, went on msn, talked to a few people, such as Steph :D aww it was good to talk to her again after so long. I miss her and Cassie so much :( and now i have to miss Rach as well! I have to hold on to the friends i have still in Melbourne! They'll have to report to my house at least once a day so i can be sure they haven't run off! So that was my past few days :) single life doesn't seem too bad i s'pose. There's aspects of a relationship i miss, but on the whole i'm definitely surviving quite well indeed ^^

Jason got his L plates today (i just asked him) well done to him and any others who got theirs today. Man this has taken a while to write. Especially in between conversations on msn. Overall, it's been a very productive and social past few days. Thanks for everyone's involvement ^^ haha sounds pretty business like when i say that eh?


P.s i must mention Jackson house suffered an atrocity on thursday. We were thrashed in House Performing Arts. Such a shame, we were actually very, very good (not to blow my own horn or anything) our dancers were awesome, the drama was better than i'd expected it to be. And our came together pretty alright. Oh well, just means we have improvements to make next year :)
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