I'm not an emo!

Dec 06, 2007 22:22

Man you guys out there all must think im utterly depressed 24/7. i didnt mean to seem so sad and stuff.. well, at the time i did. i was merely conveying my feelings at the time. but now im a bit better =]

My friends have been so good to me! They've all been there to pick up the pieces of Charlotte and put them back together patiently and with lots of hugs. Even those in Japan have been there to help me =D sending love and hugs and other good stuff!

The news -- LITANY OF ERRORS -- is really boring. Aww no, it's a sad story about a little girl died from meninjacockle (excuse my spelling) Gah *turns off tv* too depressing. Anyway, holidays started today =] and we did really bad in the House Performing Arts haha. Oh well, leaves us a lot of room for improvement for next year ^^

My hair has been cut, just to those who havent seen my in a while, or at all and are interested in that sort of thing. My hair had reached my bum and is now a little under my shoulder ^^ so light now *swish*

Oh my, i'm ignoring Nisha =[ i'd better finish up. Good bye fellow LJ-ers! i shall post again soon!

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