Feb 15, 2008 19:37

Hey once again, from the slackest poster on this site =]

Ahh, my life is full of such splendor at present ^^ Amazing friends who i get to hang out with this year! How fantastic XD mm one of the funnest moments has been tackling and slapping Rachael.. Sounds strange i know, but if you'd been there it would've been funny for you.. "sure.." i hear you all say; fine! don't believe me =[

So.. school has started once again.. A little while ago, i know, but my lj is so.. NOT up-to-date that i need to talk about things such as this. Subjects are going well, all a bunch of fun. Maths SAC's suck though.. Hate them with a passion. The only good thing about them is that theyre maths! Yeah, im a nerd ^^

I have a new hat! And a new coat! And basically a whole new outfit XDD It's so cool! So posh, makes me look up myself =] which i probably am, but at least i look cool at the same time 
*puts on sunglasses*
*rides off into the conveniently close sunset*
Okay.. What else.. =O i watched Torchwood! It was really really good!! So sad =[ but really sweet at the same time!

"Did you hear the one about the boy with his finger in the dyke?" aren't teachers fun ^^ they say the darndest things at the most hilarious of moments.. Hearing that line during a physics double doesnt help for the concentration level on a warm day =\

Ohh! I'm soon to receive the photos of Rach's hard drive =D yay! photos of all my friend <3

Hm, well that's all i can think of.. for now ^^ i'll try and post more often =D

Charloo xox
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