Introduction and Drabble Prompt 5-5-2011

May 05, 2011 15:20

Hi! I'm Sar, also known as Jane Tiberius, or JT, and this is Wil Scarlocke, also known as Wil Scarlet, Robin Hood's 17 year old nephew, a defiant and angry former nobleman who is fairly hard for me to crack most of the time. A big problem, considering he's decided he's the one through who I'm recording the events in my Robin Hood tale. This first "drabble" is actually more like a 549 word...uh....thingie. Has some allusions to violence, and if you like your Robins as shining examples of light and virtue, you're not going to like the guy that Wil discusses here. He has a vision, but he's also a nasty jerk who likes'll see, I guess. Nothing non work safe, luckily. Otherwise, well, full steam ahead, I guess! I may bring others of my characters in as time goes on, so...we will see...

Give us a hundred words on your deepest, darkest… fantasy. (Or your pleasant, light-hearted daydream. Doesn’t have to be deep and dark.)

I’m not just a swordsman anymore. I’ve been able to take my cues, and my orders, from John again, and instead of just hurting, I’m a healer too. When Gisberne is discovered as our spy and supplant, and they think they’ve beaten him to death and dropped the body with us in our cell, I’m somehow still able to coax the life back into him, to prepare him to fight another day, and when the rescue detail shows up, he’ll be coming back with us into the forest, this time for good. We’ll have to find another spy of course, another ally up in Nottingham Castle who we can use to help us, but it doesn’t matter since I’ve brought him back, refused to give the sheriff and the prince their victories for once.

When Gisberne moans beside me in the cold air of the cell, I’m there, and though I’m no John, not yet at least, I know enough of where to put my fingers so he’ll sleep through this, how I should treat the wounds as soon as possible, and enough ways to keep him here, keep him breathing and alive until our ladies slip into the dungeons and Mariun picks our lock as quick as day, and quietly as possible, I stand, and try to get him moving, though I still need Ellen’s help to hoist him up between our shoulders so we can carry him out. They’re still both taller than me, after all, and weigh a little more as well, but I’m the one who has done something good for once.

Enough for Robin’s praise of me, perhaps? I doubt it, and I doubt that it will be sincere, and he won’t find another reason to pull me aside for one of his talks that end in violence, usually directed towards me, because we’re family, after all, and if you can’t slap around your family, who CAN you slap around? No, not enough for Robin’s praise, as nothing will ever be. But quite enough for John to notice? For Mariun to agree to sit with me of an evening’s meal, to tell her what I’ve learned, and quite enough for all the rest of them to trust me again after the last time I drew attention to us and our cause, and earned the ire of everyone, and a few bruises that I swear are still fading, which I probably deserved, but didn’t appreciate? Well yes. I think it may be that, if the quick nod of pride that Ellen gives me now is any indication.

“You’ve done a good job, Wil.” She points out. “John should be pleased, lad.”

And, shouldering our ally, while Mariun scouts ahead for danger, heavy as he is, as hard as the getting out of here will be, I suddenly find myself in the place I once was before. No hero of the day, though maybe some will say that too, but just one of the gang again, probation periods over, and back into the woods to continue our work, and hope someday the fight is won, and justice can be had. Refreshed by their smiles, and my new place back in the world, I move forward, and back towards the man that I once was.


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