11.05.05 Fantasy

May 05, 2011 11:03

Give us a hundred words on your deepest, darkest… fantasy. (Or your pleasant, light-hearted daydream. Doesn’t have to be deep and dark.)

I don't really... want things that bad.

metatext and icon explanation aka oh jeez Ignace you're so sad

We were discussing Small, Manageable Life Goals: Iggy, lying on his back when he wakes up, checking that he still has a pulse and didn't die in his sleep and then setting himself a Goal To Strive For Today. A Small, Manageable one, because in his experience those are the only ones that don't just set you up for failure and then feeling bad about yourself because you failed to meet your goal.

"Today," said one person in the discussion, "I will eat an apple, and not the core."

"And then," said another, "he somehow manages to eat the core, too, because he wasn't paying attention, and then he is sad."

I didn't intend for him to have depression when I rolled him up, but I played him a while and we realized, yeah, no, he's like a little grimdark Roast Beef in BDUs. The poor kid.

and also some backstory and setting explanation aka oh jeez THAT'S why you're so sad

Cadia is basically Grimdark Space Canada Where There Is Only War. The planet is located near what is essentially a magical warp portal that spews out space demons, which makes them even more militarized than the rest of the universe (in which there is STILL Only War, because this is the Grim Dark Future - so this is like Ultra-War or something). The natives of Cadia are all blond with purple eyes and they're all conscripted into military service at age 14.

That's canon, folks. Violet-eyed child soldiers.

The Cadian Imperial Guard designs are based more obviously on modern soldiers (BDUs, body armor, etc) than many of the other Imperial Guard patterns (other canonical planets/regiments include Space Desert Raiders, Space WWI Soldiers complete with possibly-non-removable are-you-my-mummy gas masks, Space Rambos, and Space Napoleonic-War-Era Russians, to give you a sense of the breadth of setting and interpretation you can get out of the universe), so for the purposes of Iggy's setting, we decided to run with that and the Space Canada thing.

Our vision of Cadia is essentially a modern suburban landscape that just happens to be really militaristic - Iggy's upbringing was much like any Canadian kid in 2011, but with constant Imperial propaganda and training to be a Good Soldier from birth. And then, of course, at 14 he was conscripted into Whiteshields and from there into the Imperial Guard proper (which is, canonically, a service with a really high rate of attrition; he's been basically watching everyone he's made friends with inevitably die for several years), after which he got into the Inquisition which is where he's at now: in Dark Heresy, aged 18, and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder that manifests itself as the dull flat grey kind of depression where you're not sad all the time but you're never really happy either, just kind of existing without emotions.

Like I said, he wasn't meant to be a depressed little sad sack, but he turned out that way. I feel kind of bad about it because, having created him, it is actually literally my fault that he's like that, regardless of the canonical in-universe justification.


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