(no subject)

Aug 01, 2011 16:29

Chapter Seven.

Rachel woke up on Friday covered in sweat, crying out in pain. Her head throbbed like her brain wanted out of her skull and her ears pounded. She really, definitely, most positively hated summer. This week had been the worst, apparently hot weather didn’t mend well with headaches and fever. She desperately wanted to take a shower, but she knew she had little time. Grabbing the shortest shorts she could find and a tank top, she grabbed her back pack and headed out. By now she was almost heading into the correct direction by herself, but her body still insisted in tugging her forward and she started walking. Summer meant more heat that worsened her fever and shorter nights, that seemed to have her body on edge. Her muscles weren’t hurting, they never did on this day, at least until the night, and her lungs filled with air easily as if they were balloons. She reached the afternoon and started running, her muscles stretching and warming almost to the point she thought she might get blisters inside her skin. Happiness filled her just at the line of trees and she grinned like the Lunatic she definitely was, her tank top finding the ground soon enough. By the time her body hit the ground and she released a groan before she was unable to make a sound, sweat had evaporated from her skin.
All last week, despite the pain they were in, Rachel and Quinn had tried to focus their minds on finding each other that night. Of course, as soon as the night came, Rachel couldn’t remember that. Her instincts took her forward to that smell so captivating, waiting unflinchingly for her arrival. Her paws hit the ground rhythmically as she could hear her lungs working, but suddenly, there were other sounds behind her. She rounded a few trees and came to a halt as whatever was running towards her approached. Standing defensively with her tail upright and her teeth showing, she tried to suppress her growl as to not alert the intruder. But the sounds of paws hitting the ground became louder and with them came a scent she had never sensed before. It was familiar, threatening but mesmerizing, and she found herself unable to move as it became stronger, stronger still until she was met with golden eyes and light brown fur. They locked eyes and stood still as stones, both tails erect. Slowly, after a few minutes of scrutiny and sensing each other, the light brown wolf before her took a step forward, lifted its other paw in the air and waited. When she made no other move but point her ears to the sky, the wolf took another slow, careful step towards her. It lowered its tail and ears as they came closer, and she tensed her muscles as the wolf’s muzzle came close to her own and licked a trail up her face, lowering itself before her. She opened her snout and bared her teeth, clamping them on the wolf’s muzzle lightly, and when the only thing the other did was lower its ears further, her teeth disappeared and she gently rubbed the side of her black face against the light brown fur. Their scent mingled and she immediately stopped feeling the light threat the other emanated, and the only thing she was capable of doing was look up to the Moon and howl, her new companion wailing along. They were so close their scents seem to mingle and become one, and soon she felt that captivating smell of pray filling her lungs and her wolf released a whine next to her, both immediately sprinting to a run.


Quinn was met with an armful of brunette as she got to the end of the path, along with squeals of “Quinn!” and “Oh my God.” Despite the soreness of her body, she was able to grin like a mad woman and squeeze the tiny person in her arms between shared peals of laughter.
“That was amazing.” Quinn mumbled against brown hair under her nose as Rachel nuzzled into her neck.
This closeness was something they were growing accustomed to without fully realizing it, and without really talking about it, because there was an underlying fear of it stopping if they did.
Rachel took Quinn’s sweaty palm and dragged her towards the bus stop, she seemed unfazed by the fact that they had surely killed another animal mere hours ago. Quinn had a fuzzy memory of what happened after she’d submitted to Rachel, only a strong smell between them and loud sounds. Rachel spoke to her as they walked about the sensations she’d experienced when they’d ran together.
“I have an idea.” Quinn declared meekly as they sat in the back of the otherwise empty bus. Rachel was usually the one with theories and plans, and it made her uneasy to present her half-cooked idea to the brunette.
“That’s amazing.” Rachel grinned widely, turning to rest her back against the window and her bare legs on Quinn’s lap. “Tell me.”
“You know how we’re running all day and all night when there’s a full moon?” The brunette nodded and Quinn licked her dry lips. “Perhaps… if we control our bodies, I mean… working out and trying to be more agile when humans, it’ll be easier to control ourselves as wolves.” Quinn stopped talking when Rachel just stared at her, brow furred and eyes narrowed in concentration. “I know it’s not the same… and we’re both physically active, but maybe if you come running with me and perhaps… skating with me?” She breathed our nervously, tucking her shaking hands between the seat and her thighs.
“And you could come to ballet with me.” Rachel said slowly. Quinn raised her eyebrows and bit her lip, silently asking if that meant she agreed. “Quinn, I think you’re absolutely brilliant!” Rachel threw her hands in the air and beamed. “It’s an amazing idea, discipline as humans would give us discipline as wolves.” She finished in a hushed tone.
“I’ve done ballet when I was younger.” Quinn smiled softly. “I know I won’t be as good as you, but there are similar movements in figure skating, and I could teach you how to do it if you stay after my class, when I help Ms. Cohen with the younger girls.”
Rachel got head first into any ideas she would come up with, and since it had occurred to her, Quinn was able to catch up perfectly this time. They planned a schedule for running, ballet and skating for the remaining of the summer, which Rachel charted and gave to Quinn to hang up in her bedroom wall next to the moon calendar she had picked up just a month ago. Quinn’s mom got used to seeing Rachel in her house often as well as Rachel’s dads got used to seeing Quinn in their home, and there was something comforting in knowing the three of them liked each other. Her mom often babbled to her about how polite and lively Rachel was, and how Quinn should invite her to dinner along with her dads before the end of the summer.
In time for their next transformation, Rachel had learned all the little girl’s names, something that had taken Quinn a lot more time. It had been fun to see her squealing on the ice and falling on her ass a couple of times, all the girls skating towards her to help her up because the brunette had earned their trust in the blink of an eye. Quinn had taken the hand of ballet in time, even if it cost her a little more effort than catching up with skating. They fully believed they were ready now to try and control their actions as wolves, even if for a little while. But Quinn was at an edge.
Her summer had been the best in a long time, even considering dealing with being a werewolf. She didn’t know if it was sad, or what it said about her, that she was more content than ever at such an odd and confusing time. She found herself laughing and smiling now more than ever, and a part of her was scared of it ending. Even as she tried to fight it, there had never been a happy time for her that wasn’t ruined by a mayor tragedy that overshadowed any sense of peace she could have accomplished, and it was hard to believe things could stay better -the way they were. She thought about sharing things with Rachel, telling her how much it meant all the time they were spending together, helping each other and having fun like normal teenagers that just happened to turn into wolves for a day. But she was afraid of sharing her secrets, even with the person she shared the most with. Quinn knew it was dangerous enough, what they were doing, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to suppress her feelings forever. But she tried as hard as she could to do so, because ruining things with Rachel would mean being alone again.
She couldn’t sleep with those thoughts in her head, and so she got up from the brunette’s bed, careful not to wake her up, and climbed through the windowsill to the roof. The moon was hidden behind the clouds as she stared up to the sky, and she felt peaceful, a feeling entirely alien to her before. The clouds were tinted grey when she felt someone slide in beside her, covering her with a light blanket and keeping her company. The silence wasn’t broken for a while.
“Do you resent it?” Rachel asked softly. “…the moon. Do you hate it, sometimes?”
Quinn really thought about it before answering. She had a feeling Rachel would know if she lied to her, anyway.
“I can’t hate it.” She whispered. “I think I would, though, if you weren’t with me.” She chanced a glance at Rachel to see her bit her lip softly, looking intently back at her. “Rachel, I… wasn’t happy. I know it’s probably fucked up, but I’ve never been more stable than now. I’ve never been a happy girl.” She smiled softly. “And after everything that happened with… the baby… I thought I would never be fine again. I wasn’t even pretending to find happiness, just… I just wanted to be at ease with things, you know? But I was sad, I was angry… and the moment came when I felt so much, it just… canceled itself out. I didn’t feel anything at all, because that’s what happens when you’re depressed. You don’t feel like crying, you… forget how to.”
She felt Rachel’s trembling hand clutch at her wrist as she tried not to make a sound while she cried. Quinn pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her back with a side smile.
“I think you saved me more than just from a beast, Rachel. Even if I became one, if we… I’m not… happy, yet. But I’m fine. And you have no idea how good that feels.” She felt warm moisture against her cheek as Rachel pressed a kiss there, just under her eye.


Rachel smiled from her place on Quinn’s bed, arms wrapped around her knees as the blonde stood in front of the full length mirror, finishing her make up.
“What?” She asked locking eyes with the brunette through the mirror.
“You’re wearing make up again.” Rachel said quietly.
“What are you talking about?”
“You stopped wearing it after…” She trailed off.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. It wasn’t, you know… conscious.” Quinn shrugged.
“I know.”
“It’s good, right?” The blonde hesitated before turning around.
“Yeah.” Rachel beamed as she hopped off the bed. “Ready?”
“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” Quinn offered before they left her room.
“I think it’s you who doesn’t want to go to that party.” Rachel teased, a hint of seriousness in her voice. “We can stay if you don’t want to.”
“I’m good. Just watch that I don’t drink too much or go upstairs with anybody.”
“I’ll be your bodyguard, Quinn Fabray.” Rachel stated solemnly as she opened the front door, stretching her left hand for the blonde to go out first.
“No.” Quinn deadpanned. “Do not start singing!”
“And I will always love yo- “ Rachel started screaming before the blonde covered her mouth with her palms from behind.    
“Bye Mom!” She screamed over her shoulder as she closed the door with one hand, trying to keep Rachel in her grasp with the other but failing miserably.
Rachel’s boisterous laugh filled the front yard as they walked towards the sidewalk and then to their right.
“You’re a lost cause!” Quinn screamed from a few feet away from the brunette. “Get back here, little dog!”
“I thought we weren’t allowed to call each other that!” Rachel sing-songed.
“You can’t call me that.” Quinn corrected as she catched up with her and grabbed the brunette’s hand. “And you’re a lousy bodyguard leaving me behind you at the mercy of my crazed fans.”
“Oh, please. If my fans aren’t here, I seriously doubt yours will be.”
“How can you manage to seem drunk without even getting to the party?” Quinn sounded amused.
“I’m not drunk, I’m happy!” Rachel grinned a megawatt smile, wrapping their linked arms around her neck.
“If you say so.” Quinn mumbled with a smile.
When they got to Puck’s house, music was already bursting through the entire building and two guys were holding a puking third one.
“Ugh, awesome.” The blonde made a disgusted face, unwrapping her arm from Rachel’s neck to hold her hand instead.
Inside everything was already crowded and they headed to the living room, where the gleeks were surely lounging on the couches.
“What’s up, MILF!” Puck shouted over the loud music when he saw them arrive.
“Nothing much, asshole.” She shouted back and smiled as Rachel threw her head back in laughter.
Santana eyed them curiously as they sat on the only space left on the couch, Rachel on Quinn’s lap with a hand around her neck.
“What’s up with you two?” She asked after a minute.
“What’s up?” Rachel grinned obliviously.
“Can everyone stop saying that, please?” Quinn groaned, slapping her hand on the brunette’s thigh. She kept it there for comfort even though Santana seemed to be growing a third eye from looking at them so much. It made Quinn internally pleased to be freaking her out.
Rachel kept talking to everybody enthusiastically on top of her, squirming and bouncing and throwing her head back in laughter.
“I’m not a couch, Rachel!” Quinn said loudly at last.
“What?” The brunette yelled. “Do you want me to get you a drink?”
Despite her yelling and even though they were close, Quinn’s face scrunched up when she wasn’t able to hear her properly. Rachel leaned down and brushed her lips against her ear.
“Do you want something to drink?” She modulated.
Quinn nodded and the brunette stood up, clearing her line of vision to an unnerving Santana.
“What’s up with you two?”
Quinn merely smiled and shrugged innocently before turning to her left and continuing talking with Sam. Rachel came back just as some girls started grinding on the dance floor, much to Puck’s delight. He howled at them priggishly and Rachel and Quinn rolled their eyes and huffed.
“What?” He shouted at them, smirking.
“We could do better.” Rachel smirked back. His eyes clouded at the misinterpretation.
“Prove it!” He hollered at them.
Rachel looked at Quinn with a devilish grin and they took a deep breath. The sound that came out of their mouths had Puck dropping his jaw, along with the few people that weren’t too drunk to pay attention. 
“That’s beyond creepy, dudes!” He yelled at them, flabbergasted.
Rachel grinned; they had the true deal to practice just a few nights ago. She was proud of their progress and a harmless show off was nothing to be ashamed off; she needed to show off, it’s what she did. While everything was still scary and there was still a lot of progress to do, she felt peaceful at last. They still had to dominate their bodies for more than just a few minutes and remember more than an hour of the night, and in her wildest dreams she could stop herself from hunting defenseless sheep, but it was possible. That was the best news she could possibly ask for.
As she watched Quinn smiling widely beneath her, she couldn’t help but to be proud. She was fine, and Rachel didn’t plan on stopping until she was happy. She felt the arm around her waist tighten as she traced the light scar visible on Quinn’s neck and shoulder, and she wondered for a countless time if it was because of her touch or because the blonde sensed what she was thinking about. She didn’t consider the whole telepathy deal some stories talked about, as amazing as that could be. She tried to be as realistic as being a werewolf allowed her to be, and so she wondered if the bond they shared (because of that there was no doubt) was because they were getting incredibly close to each other, or because of something else, something supernatural. They were bitten by the same wolf and they shared their full moon nights together, and every day they talked about it and tried to find ways of controlling themselves. But Rachel had to admit, at least to herself, that her feelings for Quinn were always anything but simple, always in the line between something and something, even if sometimes she couldn’t figure out what those things were. Whatever it was, it was special, and a little scary considering their past. There was that itch in the back of her mind about what was going to happen when their last school year started. They’d see each other on Glee, but was that going to be it? They had been together all the time that summer, apart from that week when Quinn tried to ignore her in order of not hurting her, and Rachel had been unconsciously getting used to it. But what if Quinn decided to join the Cheerios once more? There would be that leap on “social status” between them, and while Rachel liked to think their bond would keep them together, there was no guarantee. Her old insecurities were trying to get the best of her, making her doubt of Quinn’s attachment to her, of their friendship, and she felt abashed for doubting the one person who was consistent in her life, who was currently rubbing her waist where her own scar laid beneath. A neck stretched before her and a soft pair of lips brushed almost feather light against the rim of her hear.
“Hey, you’re thinking too loud.” Came the playful whisper.
She couldn’t help the smile that adorned her face and she bit her lip as she shook her head. Quinn squeezed her lightly and she shrugged.
“You okay?” Hazel eyes locked with hers, a smile twitching their corners.
Rachel just nodded. They were fine.

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