So, I finally (!!!) stuck the oil. (Marilyn had asked me to do it first thing yesterday -- the main thing she wanted me to get done -- but time and light outside got away from me.)
Anyway, it is time to order oil. We've got 80 gallons (approximately). Marilyn will need to figure out finances and let me know when I can order the delivery...
Did you know Apple is so damn desperate for you (people) to sign up for their Music service that they have made it totally IMPOSSIBLE to simply link an album in iTunes? I kept trying, thinking it was ridiculous. I mean, how could I share an album with a friend at iTunes if that was true
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If you were with me in yesterday's blog entry, you know I was discussing my sister Sue -- and how she has been failing. Yesterday was a BAD day
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Marilyn and I have been in the process of saying goodbye to our sister Sue for some time now. By that, I mean that Sue's barely there anymore. She has dementia and is getting worse all the time
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I can't believe I didn't try to get at least a short entry in last night about NaNoWriMo. As of yesterday I'm at 40,000 words! In the home stretch, I guess, with only 10,000 words left to go
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First off, Marilyn and I went over to Clark College in Vancover, Washington today to see Adeena speak for Bruce Elgort's class on Business Web Practices. Her speech was titled: Destination Unknown. She did a WONDERFUL job! I was very proud of her. She's such an excellent public speaker
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