Adeena Was Amazing! NaNo is Going VERY Well!

Nov 07, 2018 23:59

First off, Marilyn and I went over to Clark College in Vancover, Washington today to see Adeena speak for Bruce Elgort's class on Business Web Practices. Her speech was titled: Destination Unknown. She did a WONDERFUL job! I was very proud of her. She's such an excellent public speaker.

For some reason I ended up with very low blood sugar -- 71. Yikes! Yet I did quite well. I was going down and knew it, yet was chatting away. No one could have guessed I was crashing. (Thankfully I had candy in my purse.)

We parked on the total wrong side of the school, having no idea where we should be. But managed to find the right place with no trouble in plenty of time! Go us.

Anyway, I'm so glad we went.

I managed to get some rest today. But I did work on my bookcase in Marilyn's bedroom (we each have a tall bookcase in her large room). I totally emptied one entire shelf, amazingly enough.

That means I have several books for the book exchange over at Compass Oncology. I keep meaning to take some there. I think it's such a wonderful idea.

And several for the Goodwill.

I found some books I'd actually been looking for, as well. One I wanted for NaNo, so that worked out well.

It's hard for me to rest right now, as I have so many projects I want to tackle. Plus the usual problem of pain, which often keeps me from sleeping. Just like now. It's actually 4:44 a.m. and I'm lying up in a chair unable to sleep. I sometimes think the pain is better, but if I'm being honest, that's not true. I guess I'm just trying to convince myself that it's not only not better, but worse. At this moment it's not terrible, so I'll take that, I suppose.

I need some crackers and cheese for all tha whine! Ignore me, please. If I'm not used to it by now, that's my problem, for sure!

Couldn't reach siser Sue for the second day in a row. No idea why! She phoned yesterday while I was outside, unfortunately. Then I tried her on both phones repeatedly, with no luck.

Guess what? Marilyn couldn't use her television in her bathroom this morning. She thinks that the one in her bedroom and the bathroom are tied together, so when they turned off the bedroom, that's what happened with the bathroom. I was disgusted, but worked not to show it. They gave us a $20 credit, which I figure we deserved, as I had Jason out yesterday. I hope I didn't get him in trouble! I really loved him.

How Jason and I missed that I can't guess. We were all over that house!

Here's the rundown:
UPSTAIRS: My bedroom, office, kitchen, living room (4)
DOWNSTAIRS: Family room, Marilyn's bathroom -- previously Marilyn's bedroom (2)

Yeah, we're heavy TV users, no doubt. We have Comcast Xfinity for cable TV and WiFi. (We use CenturyLink for phone and internet directly to our office computers -- plus backup WiFi as needed. Of course currently we can't use the damn WiFi, as it says we have the wrong password! What the hell?) The idea behind having both is convoluted at best. But supposedly we have backup as needed, considering it's so important to our work...

I have ANOTHER Comcast appointment tomorrow (actually today, as it's really 8 November) between 10:00 and 12:00 (noon). I need to get in touch with CenturyLink.

The Comcast issue remains interesting. I caused it by removing the cables attached to the TV Marilyn wanted out of the room, because they had to use an Amplifier there due to the act that we have so many boxes in the house. It's attached again, without a box at that location.

What I need to do is call my clinic. My next appointment is not only for pain meds refill, but my A1C test. I need to get a lab appointment, then one with Leslie.

But I want to call yet again about my referral to see a Pain Management specialist. (Good God, could that happen, please. What's the delay? I don't get it... You are not telling me my insurance is denying it, are you?)

Well, as for NaNo, Marilyn is at 17,301, and I'm at 17,383 -- in seven days. I think that's pretty good. We're currently averaging more than 2,000 words a day. I've always said I could write 2,000 words a day in a pinch without raising a sweat, but it's about being consistent. And that's where it gets difficult.

It's hard to believe we haven't done NaNo since 2008. That's TEN years ago, believe it or not.

Just totally lost my train of thought. Damn f-ed up brain.

You know, I tend to trip at night. Be really a bit f-ed up on Gabby (Gabapentin). I take a double dose at night in order to try and sleep. Sometimes it works, other times not so much. But 1200 milligrams really can pack a punch.

I'm so impressed with Gabby that I'm actually using it in my NaNo novel.

Not tripping now -- I wish!

I was lying in bed doing my rolling routine. I just end up rolling back and forth in the bed. Then I stop and rub the painful spots and roll some more. Eventually I either fall asleep or get up like now to sit in my downstairs chair. I climb under a cozy blanket and lie against a soft pillow, which is about as comfortable as it gets.

I might be bad tonight from riding in the car sans my pillow (my own damn fault). Or sitting in the auditorium chair -- any upright chair can kill me. Fortunately my chair in my home office has a lovely pillow from my bedroom... (We generally write from 10:00 until midnight. It works perfectly for us.)

Gary phoned today about coming over, by the timing was bad because of Adeena's thing. He's going to call again tomorrow...

Gary is going to help build a new shelter for my crows and critters out near the tree. Mne from last year got destroyed by wind.

I guess I'll take my morning pain meds and try and sleep. It's now nearly 6:00. Time flies when you're messing around while trying to blog.

Forgot to mention that we watched several Jeopardy episodes tonight (we were way behind). We always enjoy that.

Hope you are all able to sleep well, with pleasant dreams!

brain-injury, november-2018, shelter-for-crows, xfinity, shingles-pain, blogging, brain, clinic, clark-college, vancouver-washington, bookcase, adeena, marilyn, writing, nanowrimo-2018, chronic-pain, low-blood-sugar, nano, centurylink, comcast, resting, pain, books, crows, 2018, sleep, reading, nanowrimo, gary, sister-sue, jeopardy

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