First off, it is apparent that someone is coming into my bedroom at night and beating me soundly while I sleep.(also soundly) Whatever the deal is, I apologize. Give it a miss, alright?
A woodchuck has invaded my garden. Between the deer and the drought, I essentially didn't have a garden last year. This year I still have problems, but was at least looking forward to a good vine crop. That won't happen with a woodchuck; I've lost 4 cucumbers and a watermelon already. It's broken through my first fence patch, but so far hasn't got around my second. Here's hoping.
6 months. According to my calculations, that's how much severence pay I should get. So assuming I have a job until the end of August (and that I get severence, because things are very bad if I don't) I start going into debt in June or July. One would I could find a job by then, but I'm not looking forward to it. I'm telling you, tho, I would love to take a month or two and just bum around. Ideally, I'd like to meander up the Appalachian trail, visit my family in Cleveland, head up past Niagara to Toronto, over to Montreal, and wander back down the east coast. That of course cuts several months off financially, and I don't know how my suspended license works in other states. Sigh, so I'd probably work on the house and yard while job hunting, and get no joy out of my unemployment at all.
CONTACT 06 Aug 2008