Dec 03, 2000 00:07
Metashield, in his case, to stop physical -and- magical assault. What you do,is declare an amount of EP to spend (at least 1.5 per point of DR you want in the shield) - for every five hits, you get one point towards that shield.The rest of the EP goes towards keeping the shield raised a while.
Aus just said that to me and it made me abruptly very confused. I know what EP and DR are (energy points - the stuff spells are cast with in our system, and damage resistance... ) but I was just completely unable to apply it to the situation the bad guy I was trying to run was involved in, and had to turn the senario over to him.
I was already feeling sort of blech and stressed because we had a lamer trying to get back in after he'd been banned from our RPG. I hate when that happens- those of you who roleplay online probably know the feeling.
I did have some good points to today, though. I finally got to watch Stuart Little on Showtime. It was so -cute-. I really like cartoons and cute movies like that, because I think its better to laugh and smile when you wish to be entertained than to watch a drama and cry.
I'm getting sort of tired of greedy, demanding people. Everywhere we have something- the guild on neopets.. the RPG... there's always just a few people who are there to leech the free stuff. And then they ungratefully demand more time/attention/free stuff, like the only reason you exist is to serve them. That's pretty irritating.
Also irritating are the people who want me to look over this "idea for a story I had" or "a poem I wrote about my pet cat Bootsy" or "this english assignment" because I am a writer. I don't mind when friends ask me to review their stuff when I have time, but when total strangers aproach you because they've seen your work and think you can help them, and want nothing more but to suck your time and imput from you in a continual ciphon... it just gets old.
In other good news, a visitor asked to be sent some of my songs- one a ballad about the immortal guardian of the Malcovys, the other a duet with Aus. She seemed to really like them, and complimented sincerely, which was rather nice.
Perhaps someday I will record more of my songs. Perhaps not.
I'm watching a documentary on the Founding Fathers on the History Channel. Its full of such fun things like 'Benjamin, of his own admission, went a'whorin' '. Then Benjamin Franklin was in a 44 year long commonlaw marriage. Heh. Alexander Hamilton had the first sex scandle.Etc. Its pretty fun to see what our founding fathers did that we don't learn about in history class.
Prarie Dogs are living under our couch. Just thought you should know that. Al gave us virtual prarie dogs to live under our furnature. I've had fun detailing their virtual exploits (today they went on a small comunist rampage) so if you see me go on about the colony under the couch, that's what I'm on about. It's fun to pretend, isn't it?
I don't know why some people grow up and stop playing lets pretend, or creating things, or dreaming.. but I think its sort of sad they do.