Sep 02, 2003 08:44
What's your natural hair color? brown
Is it straight/curly/wavy? well.. straight, but wavy. yeah. It's straight, but I get curly hair from my mom, so it's kind of curly, even though it doesn't curl. It flips... and I get little ringlet curls sometimes.
How long/short is it? It's almost down to my shoulders [yay!]
Is it layered? Yeah. It looks like crap. it looked nice at first, but then it grew out, and it looks bad.
Have you ever had really short hair? It depends how you define 'really short.'
What celebrity has the cutest short hair? Um... I'm not really sure. *ponders this for a few moments* The only one I can think of is the guy from What a Girl Wants. Taytay will know who that is.
What celebrity has the best long hair? Heath Ledger looked hot when his hair was long.
Do you think a person's hair has a lot to do with how they look? Yes
Your usual hairstyle? In a ponytail.
Do you prefer having your hair up or down? Up. I'm so glad it's long enough to put up now.
Are you proud of it? Not particularly, why?
Is it frizzy? Not really. When it was long, it was REALLY REALLY FRIZZY.
What color are your eyebrows? dark brown
Are they arched/curved/kinda straight? curved
Are they thick? no
Are they natural? yes. but I pluck them. I think that still qualifies for natural.
Do you they make your eyes look deep? o.O Sure?
Do you wax or pluck them? pluck
Do you they suit everything else about you? okay
Do you look at the eyebrows of the opposite sex? sometimes
Would you pierce your eyebrows? no
What color are your eyes? hazel [green/brown] [almost like tay and rachel! wow.]
What color do you want them to be? green
Do they change color? they might. sometimes they look green, sometimes they look brown. it probably depends on what color clothes I'm wearing and what color eyeshadow and shtuff.
Do you believe they reveal your soul? maybe
Who has the prettiest eyes? jake harkness [a senior at my school]
What's the best eye color? green
Do you wear contacts? rarely. when I do, I have green eyes though =D
Glasses? thank god no
Do you always look for nice eyes? definitely
Do you have long lashes? yes
Do you have thick lashes? no
Do you wear a lot of eyeliner/eyeshadow? depends. I wear it a lot, but I don't wear a lot.
Do you people tell you you have nice eyes? ... no?
Do you like your nose? not really
Is it flat? No
Have you injured it before? No
Is it broad? not really
Is it pointy? No
Does it resemble Christina Aguilera's nose? I don't think so
Do you pluck anything regarding your nose? no
Would you pierce it? No
Do you have small ears? kind of
Are they flexible? yes
Are they pierced? yes
More than once on each? they were. but my top hole on my right ear is halfway closed so I can't put an earring through it.
Do you hear well? selectively, of course XD Yes, I do
Do you like your cheeks? um... they're okay
Do you have high cheekbones? slightly?
Are they rosey? not really
Do people often pinch them? NO
Got a dimple? maybe
Are your lips really red? Not really
Are they pale? kind of
Are they fleshy/pink? yes
Are they full? yes
Are they small? no
Is one lip larger than the other? duh
Do you want thick lips? already have them
Who has the best lips? that's something I don't pay too much attention to
Do you wear lip gloss? yes
Lipstick? yes
Lipliner? occasionally
Do you kiss a lot? I like whit's answer - "YOU can kiss my ASS."
Are your lips smooth? yeah... aren't all lips?
Do you like your lips in general? Sure
Do you have a nice smile? My orthodontist says so.
Would you pierce your bottom lip? No
Do you have a broad chin? no
Is it cute? How is a chin cute? By it's lack of ugliness? If so, sure.
Have you ever had a double chin? Maybe when I was a baby?
Does it define your face well? I guess
Got a cleft? No
Do you have a nice neck? I like to think so
Have you ever been strangled/choked? probably
Do you sweat a lot at the back of your neck? I don't think so, maybe I did when my hair was long
Do you have a nice collarbone? it's just like any other collarbone. it's bony.
Are your shoulders bony? yeah
Are you gifted regarding your chest? not particularly
Do you wish you are, if not? *shrugs*
Do you like your arms? Yes
Are they slender? Yes
Got tattoos around there? No
Do you have dark elbows? *twists arm around to look at elbow* I can't see my whole elbow, but I'm guessing no.
Are your elbows bony? kind of
What are your wrists like? slender, but just at the right size where watches are slightly uncomfortable because they're between the sizes
Do your veins show a lot? on my wrists
Your bones? ... what?
Do you wear watches? All the time. My wrist is naked without one.
Are your fingers slim? Yeah, kind of
Are they long? yes
Do they have a certain shape? um.. long and kind of skinny?
Are your fingertips narrow/candlike/small/larger than your fingers? they narrow just a little bit
Do you wear rings? yes
Do you have "girlie" fingers? Yeah?
Does your palm have a lot of lines? not a lot
Are there these two lines on your palms that kinda meet at one point and form a triangle of some sort? yeah, but doesn't a triangle require three sides?
What are your nails like? short *cries* I cut them all off when I was camping so they wouldn't break, and my mom won't let me get my nails done.
Do you wear fake nails? once. I want them again, but my mom said no
Do you have small nails? no
Are they pink? duh?
Are your nails weak? no, not really
Do you paint them? sometimes
Does your waist go in? not much
Do you have a flat stomach? no =(
Is it tan? ha, no. that would require me to have a swim suit that shows it.
Would you pierce your navel? no
Do you often show your stomach? no