Happy New Year To All!

Jan 03, 2004 13:53

Another year come and gone; another week of partying gone by. For everyone who wanted to see me and didn't, sorry 'bout that. For everyone who didn't want to see me and did, sorry 'bout that too, but not quite as much. For everyone who didn't really care, what are you reading this for exactly anyway? Oh yes, I forgot. Funny stories.

As always, New Years Eve was a party to remember. It started with a transatlantic communique from katieledge, who, in proper British tradition, was completely "pissed." Five hours into the future, we would be there as well. However, despite her highly intoxicated state, she still managed to hold on to precious secret data that would startle us all...

Following that, Secret Santa at a Thai restaurant led to all sorts of bad. I ended up with a potato gun. No, not a cannon. A small pressure-driven gun using tiny smidgens of potato as ammunition. Simple effective genius. I also got a pigapult. More like a pig trebuchet, for those of you who know what that is. But still. Kate got a silly string gun. That would prove to be a most unfortunate choice. My bad.

It continued at Moe's house, where angledge proved her evil planning genius by being there. Yea verily, she did deceive us all saying that she was spending New Years in Scotland, when in fact she and Stacy showed up while we were all at dinner and surprised us upon our return. Outstanding. Her cousin katieledge successfully perpetuated her deception earlier that evening. It was nice to see her again... and to drink with her as well.

With that done, the drinking began. Originally, the plan was to launch into Secret Alcoholic Santa, but somehow we just skipped ahead to "get really drunk". Which was fine. ladybugbutt provided a winning entry for Worst Tasting Thing Of The Night in her pretty blue bottle of rice brandy, although marasca found it "not so bad", and I thought it was like strong sake. Most others disagreed with our opinion, however.

And then it was New Years. Everyone cheered and toasted and said Happy New Year. We drank extra for those who could not join us- Kevin and Giana, Brian and Ingrid, Clay and Emily, thereject, katieledge, ebontigress (who provided some interesting Ukrainian vodka for consumption...) (and whose nuts were very much appreciated), and others.

And then the real party began.

A whole bunch of stuff happened. I'll leave it to the imagination, save for a few choice tidbits...

Quotes of the Day:
"He's like Descartes, only retarded." - fizrep, about chaosvizier

"You bite down on the tip of it and the stuff comes out." - Nancy, about sugar cane

"Drink and shut the fuck up." - chaosvizier, to someone

"If they want to pay for my nasty crotch smell, more power to them." - marasca

"I don't want to hear any deals. I want to go and get some nookie!" - Moe

And that was that. As a bonus, my car committed suicide en route. If it's completely dead, maybe I'll join it. Stupid car.

I do wish I had seen the wondrous party hosted by my darling housemates ghostwriterxx and deinemuse. Thanks for calling to wish me happy new year. Thanks to you too, djdysfunction, for your energetic well-wishing call. Thanks to you too, lizature and stacymonster, for your delightful... presents.

And now, for my benefit, I took an extra week off of work, just for kicks. Because I can.

alcohol, holiday, party, storytime, drinking

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