Tomorrow will be the big super-mega-blockbuster day, wherein I will review the epic blockbusters "Wolverine" and "Star Trek". Today, however, I will delve in some slightly different fare. Be warned! I dare tremendous and frightening things here. Even I fear to tread lightly in such waters!
Battle For Terra
Believe it or not, there are companies that are not Pixar/Disney or Dreamworks who make animated films. That's crazy talk! )
Comments 26
I am speechless with shock. Why did you see Twilight?
(Also: Girlfriend? How long has that been going on? Dude, we never talk!)
Also, I just don't talk about her much. Private life, that kind of thing.
I believe the Rifftrax guys dubbed Jasper "Harpo Cullen."
And you left out an important group of Twilight people--the lolfans who love how tremendously awful these books are. Sort of like the haters, except we still find the books and movie entertaining on an entirely different level ...
You know what I'd watch over and over again? "Flash Gordon 3D." Oh shit yeah. Go Flash Go!
Reply daughter wants me to read ALL the books. I got through the first one, and about halfway in the second one, and would probably rather slit my wrists than subject my poor brain to the rest of them.
She and her BFF went to the premier midnight movie and loved it, and of course she had her DVD the instant it hit the shelves. Then she asked me to watch it with her. I actually did sort of like it because, as you said, most of the boring parts were cut out. And no, vampires should NOT sparkle.
vampire baseball...*snicker*
I'm stubborn, I guess. I am against sparkles. But I'm for vampire baseball. That's ok.
Truthfully, I didn't think Edward was all that, either, but then I'm a Barnabas Collins type of girl.
If I have to watch baseball I'd as soon watch vampire baseball.
I liked the story...but the author little on the beginner side. We'll just stop there.
Step one: Acquire book.
Step two: Leave first fifty and last fifty pages intact.
Step three: Rip out all/most/half of the pages between.
Step four: Begin reading.
Step five: Profit!
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