Tomorrow will be the big super-mega-blockbuster day, wherein I will review the epic blockbusters "Wolverine" and "Star Trek". Today, however, I will delve in some slightly different fare. Be warned! I dare tremendous and frightening things here. Even I fear to tread lightly in such waters!
Battle For Terra
Believe it or not, there are companies that are not Pixar/Disney or Dreamworks who make animated films. That's crazy talk! )
I am speechless with shock. Why did you see Twilight?
(Also: Girlfriend? How long has that been going on? Dude, we never talk!)
Also, I just don't talk about her much. Private life, that kind of thing.
But does she know what your middle initial stands for?
1. Girlfriend? As I think about it, I might have recalled something along the lines of you having one, but damn you're tight lipped about her. O.o
2. At least you didn't pay to see it in the theater.
2. Yes, thank all the gods. Although I'm still guilty of paying to see Hitch. Cheeky Will Smith and your romcom cheekiness.
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