Halloween, Post Haste!

Nov 07, 2006 15:35

Because we're slow, we decided to celebrate Halloween a few days late. Hey, when the holiday's on a Tuesday, what can you do?


Anthony said, "I want to host a party!" and his wife said "Dude WTF NO WAI" but he was all "Yes way!" and it happened.

He wanted costumed revelry, and created a theme: Super-Villains. Everyone who attended had to dress as some kind of villain. Those who did not would become Minions and would have had to obey their Villainous masters. Amazingly, everyone dressed up. But we'll get to that in a bit.

perkyczarlet said "But I wanna be Wonder Woman!". Then instead she went to Guatemala. Figure that one out.

3 November

angledge, la chica, fizrep, and I drove up Friday night. La Chica's Texan/Californian climate controls were pushed to their limits as we drove further and further north. She tasted of the wintry potential, and it tasted like sadness. Then she tasted of the allergen-laden cats, and lo, more sadness ensued. I took her to the local convenience store, run by the local pot fiend, who managed to successfully point her in the direction of helpful drugs (as opposed to... other drugs). Later in the weekend she tasted of big poofy coats, and they felt much better.

dancingsaracen and fizrep sat down to play cards while I was briefly mesmerized by Fight Club running on auto-repeat on the TV.

fizrep: So, should we draw to see who goes first?
dancingsaracen: No. *throws card up in the air* Ting-Ting says I go first.
*dramatic pause*

Anthony comes downstairs moments later to see the three of us weeping in hysterics, because as always, dancingsaracen makes NO sense when he speaks.

angledge and La Chica go off to check out the hot tub. Mysteries abound, that's all we're saying.

4 November

It was a beautiful sunny day in upstate New York, and some of us were early risers, so angledge and I showed La Chica the wonders of the Ithaca region. Starting with a diner, because there's nothing as wondrous as good eats, and State Street Diner is as good as good can be.

Driving up from Cayuga Lake to the center of Cornell's West Campus showed us some of the new construction projects going on, and wonder of wonders, "Snakes On A Plane" playing at the cinema. That must've been a hoot... Then the shiny new uglified Engineering Lab, a spontaneous Marching Band crossing, and angledge's quest for goats took us north. Alas, no goats. So north we went, around Beebe Lake and the Plantations, and the golf courses, into North Campus, where angledge marvelled at the new constructions. Finally we settled into some pretty scenery, near the suspension bridge and gorge.

It was so pretty that La Chica and I reverted to our primal Eden forms...

But the idyllic scene was shattered by BLOODY MURDER!

Eventually we all got better and continued on our way past Ithaca Falls, Carl Sagan's Mountain Fortress, and the Ithaca Commons, where we received education in the ways of the solar system. But then we got distracted by Girl Scout Cookies. Yummmmm...

Girl Scout #1: Thank you for helping us!
Girl Scout #2: Enjoy the cookies!
La Chica: That's right, bitches!
*long pause*
chaosvizier: Did you just call those Girl Scouts 'bitches'?
La Chica: It's just a figure of speech!
chaosvizier: You did call them bitches!
La Chica: Shut up!

We then purchased alcohol, because, well, duh. Ithaca's Wines and Spirits truly is a mecca of liquor, for there we found, aye, Martin Millar's London Dry Gin, which I still maintain is the finest gin in existence. We found other things, but really, it's all about the gin.

Then we drove to Dick's Sporting Goods. If there's any jokes to be made about me driving two hot lesbians to a place called Dick's Sporting Goods, rest assured that in my brain, they were already made.

Later that evening, the party began, as it always does, with drinking. fizrep tried his hand at the barbecue, but after a few rounds of Chicken A La Trogdor he gave up. 99 Bananas and Orange Juice proved a good starter, and then the gin came out and made things even better. Fight Club, now on its sixth iteration, flashed its subliminal porn message at us, and it began.

vulgarbarbarian and Mrs. vulgarbarbarian arrived, and then kikimoose and chrysoberyl. Or maybe vice-versa. Whatever; order is irrelevant when the gin is flowing like milk and honey.

Anthony had decked out his garage in full Halloween party garb, and it looked good. The tables of booze and food were well stocked, the hot tub was running, and the space heater kept us toasty. In his supervillain-fueled creative rampage, he created a "trophy room" style of decor, in which objects were set to represent the triumphs of evil over good. For instance, a skeleton with glowing green eyes was "the corpse of Green Lantern", and a Viking helmet with golden pigtails and a mallet were "the head and hammer of Thor", and so on. We labeled a variety of these "trophies" with humorous labels for ambiance.

And finally, the costumes.

Anthony mastered the ceremonies as Pimpmaster Cain. As a pimp he was a success. As a cain, not so much.
(EDIT: My mistake, he was Pimpmaster KANG. Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.)

Many others came to play, including the Disgruntled Postal Worker (who toyed with Ash's Boom-Stick from the trophy room), Angler Fish Man and Angler Fish Woman (whose Angler Fish Hats were quite scary), Bon Jovi (he said he was something else, but hell with that), The Fairy Queen, Captain Underpants, Generic Skiing Bond Villainous Henchman #3, The Evil Veterinarian, Corporal Punishment and Professor Moriarty.

snigglefritz broke her foot, so she came as The Invincible Invalid, armed with crutches. That word, invincible... I do not think it means what she thinks it means.

There were others...

fizrep: Who are you?
Evil Beer Wench: I'm the Evil Beer Wench!
chaosvizier: That's not very villainous.
Evil Beer Wench: I didn't bring any beer.
chaosvizier: Now that's evil.

And others...

chaosvizier: Who's that?
Moriarty: Those two are Killer Tomatoes, I think.
chaosvizier: What's that in her hand?
Moriarty: A stick of brussel sprouts.
fizrep: Eeeeeechhhh!

And others...

chaosvizier: HOLY CRAP! I haven't seen you in... uhhh...
karstyl: Longer than that.
chaosvizier: Oh man I'm so old.
Fourteen years is a helluva long time...

fizrep and I took the sacreligious route. Using his two Papal outfits (some folks reading this know why he has two), we went as villainous popes... nay, Mirror Popes, from the Evil Mirror Universe. You can tell because we have goatees. And if you don't watch enough Star Trek to get this... oh well. We wrote up excerpts from our Mirror Universe Bible, preaching the awesomeness of Mirror God, the tale of the Garden of Feedin', and the time when Mirror Jesus defeated Rome in Mortal Kombat. We chastised gooddoers for their adherence to the Seven Deadly Virtues, and extolled the wonderfulness of the Seven Awesome Sins. Many converted to our ways.

(Note: to prepare the plastic cross to be worn upside-down for my costume, we were looking for some alternate method of tying the rope around the base. fizrep and I are in Anthony's workshop scrounging for tools.
fizrep: I think I found an awl we could use...
*looks at chaosvizier, who is holding a big wooden mallet and a Philips head screwdriver and is pounding a hole in the bottom end of the cross*
fizrep: Oh, you are SO going to hell for this.
chaosvizier: Shut up and hold the top so I can get better leverage.
fizrep: We're both going to hell.)

kikimoose and chrysoberyl went with comedic cartoons and, drawing from Cartoon Network's Adult Swim line of shows featuring The Venture Brothers, reproduced The Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend with eerie accuracy. Except for chrysoberyl's voice, which is just naturally too high pitched to compete with Dr. Girlfriend's resounding baritone.

angledge and La Chica went for the pop-villain score and inadvertently won the SO SKEEVY award, going as Pres. Bush and Condi Rice. The costumes were excellent- goofy masks and dress suits. Once they started making out, though, it got real nasty, real fast.

There was costumery! Villainy! Drunken revelry! And all sorts of other stuff. It was a good party.

5 November

Winding down, cleaning up. I'm at a loss to explain how I was feeling fine all morning, and then yakked around 1:30 pm. What's up with the twelve hour delay in blood poisoning?

And then, homeward bound.

This was a good warmup for Hive New Years. That's right. You want some of this.

pictures, holiday, party, storytime, travel, drinking

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