So, the overall alcoholic tally for the past four days sees me sacrificing yet another substantial percentage of viable liver tissue for fun and sinning. Oh well.
(edited 10 Jul 03 for my reference)
deinemuse and
ghostwriterxx have a party. The Hive's Mobile Bar is deployed in force. Anyone who missed that party missed good punch. Not to mention Siberian Tiger Blood. How can you not drink it? It says goddam Tiger and Blood right on the bottle! Drink, I say to you!
Anyway... their party was loads of fun, and I was loads of drunk. Good thing they were kind hostesses and permitted me to crash on the futon. Thank you again.
Friday: Eventually I get home, and a message on my answering machine tells me that one of my karate colleagues is having a 4th of July barbecue. Well, one shower and clean up job later and I'm on my way. Waste no time, that's my motto. Anyway, we start off with beer, which is really just a warmup for me before hitting real alcohol. I'm going to die one day soon, no doubt. Heh. So we eventually move up to mixing Grand Marnier and Sprite, which went down nicely, and then we hit one bar for golden margaritas. Made the Musician of the Night play "The Girl From Ipanema" and then interviewed all the bar patrons to see what they thought of the song. So many never even heard it. What the fuck is up with that? If you haven't heard or heard of this song, reply here because you need some edumacating. After that we hit another bar for more beer (cooldown), and then crashed.
fizrep and I had originally wanted to see Twisted Sister in concert at Great Adventure, but instead decided that
lizature's party would be much more fun. In the end, we were right. Between judging pool volleyball (for which I was handsomely rewarded by Team Booby, bless their chesty souls), making more punch, drinking more drinks, and some other stuff that temporarily escapes my memory, it was a blast. Granted, twelve hours later, the place looked like Armageddon gone horribly awry, but still. That's the sign of a good party, in my book. Cleaned up and left. Probably should have taken
lizature's kind offer to rest at her place, since I fell asleep on the road and nearly wasted myself. Brilliant. Note to self: you're not Knight Rider, and your car doesn't drive itself. Dumbass. Heh.
Sunday: Having gotten home from the previous party at about 7:15 am, I only had a few hours to rest and clean up before my next gathering at noon. Why do I do this to myself, I wonder? Ah, fuck it, it's a party, and there is no excuse. So, another afternoon barbecue, complete with lots of sangria, which will mess you up pretty good if you're not careful. Wheeeeee, I say. Sensei got me a gift from Cancun to commemorate my mastery of the evil Donkey Punch technique. It's going with me to decorate my work desk tomorrow.
Edit: Nice to meet everyone for the first time, like
lizature and
ariellynn and
notevenu and
shmivejournal and some others who may or may not use livejournal.