57 Questions:

Jul 13, 2018 21:14

1) Heterosexual

2) Getting bored very fast at routines

3) Rachel Evan Woods, Emma Watson

4) None interesting

5) I never give up

6) Tako

7) Citrus

8) Unhygienic behavior

9) Bubbly

10) Wolf, right now black cats

11) None

12) Distrust and no commitments

13) Work

14) Getting distinction in my Masters' Degree

15) Liar and Cheater

16) i) Songs of Now, Now   ii) Songs of Evanescence   iii) Soothing rock

17) I don't remember anymore

18) Their dominance in control

19) None

20) Vanilla

21) Japan

22) All gender mispronouns  and ignorant gender stuff

23) UK, Malaysia

24) You are willing to accept everything of me in your life forever

25) Get the job I want, True Love, Transition, Financial stability

26) That I am not good enough

27) Gonna fetch my friends and see some pets

28) To be truly myself in society

29) Accidentally mistook glue stick as lip balm and applied

30) i) If I will be alone forever  ii) If I will never be able to do what I love

31) Save up for my entire life savings, transition, migrate, take care of myself and my family

32) None at the moment

33) My eyes

34) Being ignored constantly, being cut off on conversations constantly

35) Evanescence, Avenged Sevenfold, Kalafina

36) Maybe 2, maybe none

37) Fine dining dinner in a cosy and quiet atmosphere with great music and privacy, and then chilling at home together playing games or watch movie wrapped up with throws on a cosy winter night

38) My illustration and art skills

39) Broke up

40) Japan/ UK/ Canada/ Scandinavian countries

41) I am hot / cute / attractive / Great friend / they are secure and comfortable with me

42) Not really

43) Music & the typing on this post

44) Awesome, My bro is my best male pal

45) That I will be forever alone in this world

46) Possibly my future love, as predicted by a friend that someone will be entering my life

47) Ok

48) Not sure

49) A video link about the universe from a bff

50) Thanking my bff

51) My anger issues

52) When she is in control

53) Freak, female terms, loser

54) The environment and the people

55) Sleeveless shirt & shorts

56) Dinner

57) Water

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