(no subject)

Feb 01, 2005 19:46

Ok, so remember the other day when I mentioned that the local band Alias X broke up and David and Miller were wanting J.R. to play bass in their new band? J.R. told them that he didn't have the time to commit right now, but he'd play with them occasionally and maybe write some basslines. Anyway, J.R. went to Miller's house for a few hours last night to listen to what they've written so far. When he got home he said "I may have just joined a new band." LOL! Somehow I knew that might happen. J.R. is a really good bass player and I knew they weren't going to stop until he agreed to join....it didn't take him too long though, lol. The band is a 5 piece with 2 guitar players, Paco (ex member of local band Cyrus) and Chris (some guy J.R. knew back when he was a kid) and of course Miller
sings and David
on drums. Aliax X was definitely one of the biggest local bands (although they didn't play locally too often...nothing happens in this town) and they have lots of connections. I know they played in various parts of Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, New York and Pennsylvania, among other places I'm sure. Miller's mindset is that he's not getting any younger and he's going to do everything he can to get signed. He's right on top of everything so I'm assuming it's not going to take long before they start playing out. J.R. brought home a cd last night of the few things they've written so far. It was a basement demo, but surprisingly the sound was pretty good and clear with vocal layering and everything. I've always loved Miller's voice and they're less aggressive than Alias X, so I'm excited to see what they come up with. When J.R. left last night, he told them to talk it over (him being in the band) and let him know what they decide. I called him a little while ago to see if he'd heard from them yet, and he hadn't, but I went to their page on My Space and he's already listed as the bass player, lol. The only downside to this band (for me personally) is having to be around Kat (David's g/f) on a somewhat regular basis...ugh. I'll just have to worry about that later. Oh yeah, the band's name is Aura.
Their website
Their My Space

In other news, I changed my LJ layout. Does it look ok? Comments or suggestions?
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