May 31, 2004 23:02
wow this is a really long post, but it goes through the APC concert in houston on saturday, so if you're interested, it's a good post. if not, you're s.o.l.
oh man guys, the APC concert was awesome. definite 10 out of 10. i have to thank steven, the guy who provided the tickets, cause that show was...really good. anyway, here's the story:
at 10 AM saturday morning, my sister and i left the valley and drove up to houston. no big deal, just driving. it's determined that steven should drive cause...i don't know, but when he opens his trunk to relocate some of the stuff in the back seat, lo and behold, there are 2 12(?) inch subs staring me in the face. on the way over to the concert, he has his bass turned up really loudly, and i can't make out anything he's playing cause all i can hear and feel is bass. i don't know if anyone has ever felt their lips vibrate,'s a little odd. anyway, we arrive.
at the woodlans ampitheatre, we (steven, my sister, me, and my sister's boyfriend, jimmy) started making fun of all the people wearing APC and tool shirts and...just being general asses. so we get into the concert and come to find out, i have a seat next to a drunk motherfucker, who's only 20, and has a beer in his hand. first off, he asks (shouts) into my ear if that was my seat. i'm like...yeah. so through the course of our 15 minute conversation, he asks where i'm from 3 times, says he's from the woodlands 3 times, and asks my name twice, and wants to shake my hand every 15 seconds or so. he keeps asking me if i want his beer, and then proceeds to spill half of it on my leg. so, the first band comes on, and they're called 'burning brides'...semi-reminiscent of angry 80's hair bands, just without the hair and he asks if they're called the burning he stands up and starts flailing around and sits down and says, "these motherfuckers are awesome!" so they get into their next song, which kinda sucks, and he says, "man, these motherfuckers suck!" i'm starting to get irritated, so i go and get somthing to drink to get away. as i'm coming back, steven comes out of the ampitheatre and tells me that he was trying to get some play from this fat girl in front of him, and was whispering in her ear and then just stuck his tongue in her ear, then after she yelled at him, passed out on my seat. jimmy says that the drunk guy eventually took out a perscription pill bottle and identified it as muscle he's drunk AND is fucked up from the pills. jimmy's an EMT, so he knows this shit...and also where to hit people where it'll hurt and a lot of stuff that comes in handy. my sister said when he passed out, his beer was spilling on his face and running off his nose, so it looked like someone was peeing on him. so after burning brides is done, jimmy and my sister come out to where steven and i are, and we talk for a lil while, then we hear cheering. we go back into the ampitheatre and this guy is still there, but is spending half his time with his head between his knees looking like he's ready to vomit. finally, APC comes on, and they start of with 'vanish' off the 13th step album. by now, this guy is REALLY shitfaced and is flailing his arms around and bumping into each other. then, steven, being really cool, offers to switch spots with me, so i'm very grateful. now the order is: steven, my sister, jimmy, and me. as the songs go on, this guy rips off his shirt, flings it around his head and throws it. steven won't shake his hand, so this kind of upsets the guy, and jimmy and my sister switch places also. this guy starts flailing around again, hitting people everywhere. then he hits some woman in the face and steven calls him an inconsiderate asshole, and this sets the drunk guy off. he's doing his frat boy "wanna fight?" stance and tries to hit steven in the face. since he's on muscle relaxers, he can't make a fist, and steven barely ducks and the punch glances off his head and knocks off his sunglasses. then, at least 5 guys who were watching jump on his ass and wrestle him to the floor, and jimmy, being jimmy, gives this guy a real hardcore solid punch to the kidney. the security drag him away, and jimmy and steven have to go to the security hut to tell them what happened, then come back to the show. then it got good.
aaahhh maynard. he put emphasis on someone's nipples, and then dove into a janet jackson's nipple thing. he told us that this show was being taped and recorded, so we should all shout what he said as loud as we could. he said to shout "shit fuck." then he was like...i don't see horns growing out of anyone's head or anyone convulsing, yadda yadd yadda, and that censorship was stupid or a waste of time...well that's kinda what i got out of it, going back to the semi-exposed jackson nipple. he suggested that since we have a war on terrorism, why not a war on ignorance and apathy also? and he encouraged all of us to vote, so we could have a voice, even though sometimes it seemed like it was wasted; though, if we didn't vote, we were giving away our voice, our privilege.
in the back, they had these trees that looked like they were made of clear plastic tubes i guess...kinda like fiber optics, but probably an inch in diameter, and they light up red at the end of the show when it was all dark. it was awesome. if you go to and check out images of the band, you can see what i'm talking about..whoo...IM me if you want more details about the show, this post has gotten waaay too long.
that is all...finally
maynard dedicated this song to the art of masturbation and anal sex
Lying all alone and restless
Unable to lose this image
Sleepless, unable to focus on anything but your surrender
Tugging a rhythm to the vision that's in my head.
Tugging a beat to the sight of you lying
So delighted with your new understanding
There's something about a little evil that makes that unmistakable noise I was hearing,
That unmistakable sound I know so well
Spent and sighing with that look in your eye
Spent and sweating with a look on your face like
Sweet revelation
Sweet surrender
Thinking of you
Thinking of you
Sweet revelation
Sweet surrendering