May 29, 2004 08:00

alrighty, it's been a long time since i last updated and i know i've kept you all in suspense about why i was mad at kyle frazier. well, the simple truth is i allowed him to piss me off at prom. while ulli and i were eating, he kept coming up to her and flirting with her. now, i know i'm not dating her, but he always did this when we were dating and just to see that he was up to his old ways kinda irritated me. anyway, at prom, he was mostly following her around like a little puppy does to its owner; he asked her to dance while we were talking and that just irritated me more. when i couldn't stand it anymore, i went to rachel davis' afterparty, which was kind of a mistake 'cause i got into a rather large conversation with a certain someone regarding relationships. that was my prom experience. anyway, before i head off this morning, after i woke up at the ass crack of dawn, i just thought i'd update 'cause i wouldn't be able to for a day or so 'cause i'm on my way to houston to see A PERFECT CIRCLE in concert. i mean, row F tickets! so i'm pretty stoked about that. it begins at 7:30 (7:00?) and i'm still in the valley...oh well, i better skedaddle. i'll see all y'all when i get back. oh yeah...we just graduated...anyway, that was my comment on graduation. check back later and i may post another. ok i gotta head out
that is all

Difficult not to feel a little bit
Disappointed and passed over
When I look right through
To see you naked but oblivious
And you don't see me

But I threw you the obvious
Just to see if there's more behind the
Eyes of a fallen angel
Eyes of a tragedy

Here I am expecting just a little bit
Too much from the wounded

But I see
See through it all
See through
See you

yay APC! :-D
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