A little late 'cause I was busy traveling and otherwise distracted the last 2 days. Happy re-chametzing, everyone!
MON 4/1
7 Pesach
9am coffee
10am brunch mob SoundBites
12:30-5pm GoBus return to to NYC
TUE 4/2
8 Pesach
10:45am-1:45pm visit Sam
3:10pm DG appt
(7:30pm Rails project update due)
8:05 pm re-enable chametz
WED 4/3
make buttons
THU 4/4
Spring Sci-Fi Spectacular, April 4-6 & 11-13)
Hari Kondabolu at
Caroline's (Times Sq, Bwy btw 49th/50th). $20 + 2-drink minimum.
FRI 4/5
NO 8:45am appt.
3:45pm perio follow-up
4:30pm appt.
5:30-5:40pm meet
chuckro for button handoff, 14th & 6th PATH
6pm T&V --
30s&40s dinner!
SAT 4/6
12n Mikado tech
(2pm NYGASP's 2012-2013 Isaac Asimov Award Recital. 3 West 51st St btw 5th/6th. Catered hors d'oeuvres, cash bar. Reservations $25 per person.)
~6pm date with
SUN 4/7
Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run, DC)
2pm Mikado tech
6pm call for...
7-8pm Yom HaShoah program (with T&V choir): Village Temple, 33 E. 12th St.
MON 4/8
8am work meeting
~5:30pm Mikado tech
TUE 4/9
7:45am US Liaison Mtg
Ben & Jerry's
Free Cone Day!
7-9pm work event at NYU off the hook, yesss
6pm Mikado tech
(7:30pm Rails final project due)
WED 4/10
12:45pm rare lunch date with
(Mikado dress)
7pm dinner Sam
THU 4/11
6pm call for Mikado dress
FRI 4/12
8:45am appt.
8:30am work mtg 9am funeral, Queens
4:30pm appt.
(6pm T&V: Young Adult Friday Evening: Curry & Comedy)
6pm call for...
Blue Hill Troupe's Mikado opens
SAT 4/13
12pm call for...
Mikado3pm-8pm baby adoration party chez
chuckro &
contras? The Church of the Village, 201 W 13th)
SUN 4/14
1pm call for...
Mikado(End of
Teach Yourself to Code: One Month Rails)
~9:30-11pm hang with
justom MON 4/15
(Patriots Day)
(6:30pm Live Performance by the Barbara Cassidy Band (featuring Brandeis professor Eric Chasalow). Brandeis House, 12 East 77th (btw Madison/5th).
RSVP by April 8.)
TUE 4/16
9:30am MS Zimriah (Park Ave Synagogue)
3-5pm work meeting
~5pm coffee
jessruth~5:45pm LIRR
WED 4/17
8:45am work mtg
9:30am work mtg
5:30pm call for...
Mikado THU 4/18
8:20am LS Liaison Mtg.
Showcase invited dress, Schapiro Theater
FRI 4/19
(FKO 23, April 19-21, 2013)
8:45am appt.
justom to LA
4:30pm appt.
(6pm T&V)
(7:30pm G&S Society mtg: Community Church of New York, 40 E 35th St btw Park/Madison)
6pm call for...
Mikado SAT 4/20
(Kfir's bar mitzvah: Congregation Beth Israel, 501 S. Main St, Andover, MA)
cycon here
12pm call for...
Mikado6pm between-shows program
Little Shop of Horrors(8pm
Mikado CLOSES)
gustavolacerda's unbirthday party)
10pm Marie's Crisis Cafe?
SUN 4/21
(~9:30am T&V choir rehearsal/Zimriah)
10am call for...
11:30am Joint Year Reunion
(9am-7pm Mikado strike)
~7pm dinner Sam
MON 4/22
justom LA Showcase)
TUE 4/23
Jennifer Gersch's
art exhibit opening, JTS Library (3080 Broadway at 122nd), The Morris and Nellie L. Kawaler Judaica Exhibition Center (between Alperin Lobby and Dining Hall entrance).
WED 4/24
7:30-8:30am work mtg (oy!)
9am blood donation
KJ Congregational Meeting)
THU 4/25
6am depart for...
8:00am LGA > ORD 9:36am
10:20am ORD > SMF 12:49pm
pre-birthday dinner
FRI 4/26
Mom's 70th b'day!
9:15am SMF > HNL 11:50am (#HA19)
lunch with Cindy & Jim
5pm luau (Germaine's)
Justice Reunion at Brandeis, April 26-27. Part of the
Leonard Bernstein Festival of the Creative Arts, April 25-28.)
SAT 4/27
early breakfast & sightseeing
~5pm? call time for...
7pm sail from Honolulu
SUN 4/28
8am arr. Kahului, Maui
8:05am pickup for
Road to Hana adventure tour MON 4/29
NY Showcase, bah! 2nd Stage, 403 W. 43rd)
6pm depart Kahului, Maui
TUE 4/30
8am arr. Hilo, Hawaii
6pm depart
Cross-posted from Dreamwidth; click to view or comment on original post.