XKCD Meetup

Sep 24, 2007 09:04


I have numerous pictures of Dawn Marie, including several of her butt, which I stole from various peoples' flickr accounts of the day. There is only one picture in which I can be seen clearly, but that's because I can never stand still long enough for someone to take a picture of me.

There was a dancing raptor who, before dancing, had a gesticulative conversation with me about economics.

There was boffing. I'm not used to using any weapons nearly that light, so I lost against the people who knew what they were doing with boffer weapons, but against most opponents, I held my own against two at a time. I really wish I could have fought that guy with the two axes one-on-one, because I think that would have been a good fight, but with him helping the girl with the rapier, I was just no match for both of them.

Everyone identified my hat correctly, as opposed to at Pearson, and I now know four different songs which were used in various high schools as mnemonic devices to remember the quadratic formula.

I jumped off of the jungle gym deathtrap thing onto the mattress twice: once on each side. Each time, I landed poorly and just rolled with it.

I drank water from a fountain that sprayed ten feet in the air. I put my mouth directly into the stream, so it was like an upside-down funnel. One time, I messed it up and got high-powered water up my nose. I was coughing for about two minutes afterward between laughing fits.

I met all sorts of awesome people, and saw all sorts of people I haven't seen in ages.

Then Tashari, Mercutio, Dawn Marie, and I came back here and had smoothies that Tashari made for us. It was an awesome and amazing day.

meme, crazy people, math, sword and spear

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