Thoughts on swordplay.

Oct 03, 2007 14:27

One thing that happened at the XKCD meetup which didn't make my livejournal entry is that I was challenged to a sword fight. Now, I know your first thought is, "No, you mentioned all the boffing that went one," but that's not what I'm talking about.

While I was boffing, and successfully fending off two opponents at once, a man came up next to me and held up a katana. He looked at me questioningly as he unsheathed it an inch. I allowed a few boffer blows to land on me while I turned to face him, and I told him, "No. I left my steel at home for a reason. Put that away." Then I went back to boffing.

Admittedly, the reason that I left my steel at home is that the only steel I have is a short sword, too short for me to know what I'm doing with it. I have had only a couple lessons with shorter blades. My longsword is currently made of wood...

But that's going to change soon. As soon as the money starts coming in from substitute teaching, from Sylvan, and from unemployment, I'm going to be earning enough money that I can invest in equipment to participate in more of the activities at Forte. A practical hand-and-a-half sword (which is apparently what half the people there use anyways) is just over $100, which is the same price as two months' participation in Forte (my sword class). That, combined with the gauntlets Merc is making for me, and the mask that he is helping me make, will mean that I am almost as well outfitted as everyone there. As soon as I can get myself a gambeson or fencing vest, I will be in better shape than a lot of the people there.

But to be honest, I am most looking forward to having a sword that I can use to wear to King Richard's Faire next year, to be worn next to my short sword that I don't know anything about. Oh yes, I'm going with two swords. I'm gonna be the most badass person there. :-)

sword and spear

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