The fight that never was

Sep 18, 2007 09:35

I didn't post about this on Saturday night, because I had better news I wanted to post about, and I thought they should be kept separate.

I went to a party on Saturday night with Merc, Dawn Marie, and a bunch of other people. Almost as soon as we arrived, we found a large group from the party getting ready to go to a nearby playground, where some of the girls (including the birthday girl) were going to pole dance. About twenty of us in total wound up at the playground, and we played music, danced, and climbed on the playground equipment. It was a really good time.

Then some guy came up to us and started telling us to leave. He seemed most specifically to be talking to Mercutio, but he was talking to all of us. He and his three friends were being beligerent, and it was decided by our group that we should leave. We outnumbered them by more than three to one, but we didn't want to get into a fight or anything.

I don't like giving people who engage in unacceptable behavior what they want. That, from a behavioristic standpoint, is unacceptable to me. As we left, therefore, I started laughing, and mentioned that people shouldn't talk so much trash. One of them charged me and attacked. I blocked his attack easily, and was surprised that he backed off before trying to hit me again. I was completely unharmed, but Mercutio started yelling at Steve, who had his cell phone out, to call the cops immediately.

By the time the cops arrived, we were halfway back to the house where the party was being held, and I was starting to feel sick. Someone had tried to punch me. Think of the last time someone threatened you. You probably either ran away or fought back. We walked away. I was filled with adrenaline, and no outlet for it.

After half an hour of being cooped up in a house, almost shaking with the letdown, I ended up going out for a run. I needed to get rid of that adrenaline somehow, with some physical activity. I didn't run far, however, because I had watched the cops talk to the trash-talking boys from before and let them go. I didn't want to be alone if I ran into the four of them again. I don't think I could have handled more than two by myself if they had attacked in earnest. I ran only far enough to make the shaking stop.

In the end, there was no fight, nobody was hurt, nobody was arrested, and we all made it back to the house safely. The party went on and there was much snuggling had by all parties interested in such things.

crazy people

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