
Jan 12, 2012 01:22

Today I am going to determine which party or parties, I will attend this week. Every second week of the month I go thru this and often opt for no party whatsoever. The second Tuesday is Twisted at Club Sesso. There are usually 200 people at this party. It’s a mix between BDSM, vanilla and tourists. $15 gets you in and there is a really good buffet dinner. The crowd is too assorted. There are vanilla people just looking to get laid. There are BDSM people hoping for a scene or happy to watch yours. And there are tourists, those men (usually) who are just there because they are in town and it’s a swingers club. They aren’t usually aware its BDSM night until they sign the waiver at the door after getting in for such a cheap price. I will know enough people that every main room will have at least 10 people I know by name so I don’t have to worry about getting a panic attack. While I prefer to play at most parties, this place does not have great play spaces and I usually end up feeling like tonight’s entertainment when I play at this venue. While the extra lookie-loos are an issue the biggest problem with this venue for me is the steep stairway to the second floor. I usually end up going up and down it at least 4 times a night.

Friday night is Valhalla which is a private dungeon and there are usually around 40 or 50 people. The dungeon is small with six stations tightly packed together but usually a third are upstairs visiting and another third are outside smoking under the covered porch so the dungeon never feels too close. The group is definitely BDSM people. People who do and enjoy what I do. I won’t be a side show attraction. Also, your cute little fetish wear costume, while appreciated, is not required so I can pretty much show up dressed as I wish. It doesn’t start till 9 and we have potluck so I would need to fix something to bring. This party is only $10 so it’s better priced and a more specific group of people who have similar needs as I do. The party ends at 1am promptly with the Mistress pretty much pushing you out the door.

Saturday night is Red Cheeks which is located a mere 15 minutes from my house, rather than the 40 to 50 minute drive to the other two parties. Also a bonus is that my son will be sleeping overnight elsewhere that night and will not miss me being out for the evening. There will be 80 people or so. This month’s theme is pajamas or lingerie so that’s an easy outfit. Again it’s a potluck but not a big deal if I don’t bring something and it’s a suggested donation of $5 to $10. This will be more of the spotlighted BDSM people rather than the more reserved group at Valhalla. I will definitely get to play and probably get a bit of snuggling with someone on one of the couches as an added bonus. There will be alcohol which is pretty tempting (but bad) for me and there will also be much pot smoking which is not something I wish to be around much. I could easily spend the night there or car pool with a friend should I not want to drive by myself.

There is another option I have on Saturday during the day. I could attend the mummy class at Valhalla in the afternoon. I have chickened out on this class three times now. And I really don’t want to do the class without a STRONG Dom in attendance. Neither of the strong Dom’s I have in mind would need to attend the class and only one would just because I asked him to (IF I ask him too and he’s available). But this would put me on the other side of the city which would defeat the plan of staying close to home and avoiding the long drive into the city for everything.

Oh, now I have another wrench thrown into the works by getting invited to a kinksters birthday party Thursday night on the far side of town. I will be half way there already for the munch.

I need pain. IF Spike texts and offers, he would offer for Thursday. If he doesn’t offer, Valhalla would be next best low key option and yet Red Cheeks has a number of good points to encourage me to wait till Saturday, 1-son gone, 2-low price, 3-easy outfit, 4-close drive, 5-overnight option, 6-guaranteed pain from someone (anyone?).

Sounds like I am doing Red Cheeks.
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