Saw Brokeback Mountain today. It was awesome. Ohhhh yes. Also, nice fake mustache Jake Gyllenhaal.
More importantly though, while Brett and I were outside of the Best Buy, angrily/amiably talking since they didn't have the Marilyn Manson CD Brett wanted, some guy asked us where Stage One was. Well, as neither I nor Brett had any idea what that was, we were no help. But he told us he was in this band called Throwdown and that next week he'd be in the UK and he wanted us to go to Diablos Cantina to see his band sometime. Anyhow, we chatted for a while waiting for my mo mto pick us up. Has anyone here heard of them? They're like, some straight edge band. The guy we talked to told us he liked butts and his fiance had fake tits. And he dropped the f-bomb a couple of times...real straight edge. So I'm downloading some of his music to see if they're any good. Should I have molested him?
Oh also, I made this awesome new icon. Molly and Arthur Weasley are the cutest couple ever. Made for each other!
Edit: Also, here's their cover of
Baby Got Back because it was awesome.