Fic: Evening Rituals

Jun 28, 2006 12:39

Title: Evening Rituals
Disclaimer: Don’t own, wish I did
Series: Robins of Gotham side story. Not necessary to have read the whole series located
Summary: All of them have their own rituals here

They each had their own rituals before starting the night. Some of course had to be the same. They all tended to migrate down to the cave at roughly the same time. All of them changed into their uniforms roughly the same way. Dick was the only one who got to skip putting on a utility belt, Bruce put on a cowl instead of a mask, and Jason and Dick both skipped capes, but beyond that there was little difference in the smooth practiced motions of dressing and arming themselves for the night. Even the conversation rarely differed. Dick teased Tim about being modest and dressing alone, Jason flew into a temper and they generally let a punch or two fly until Bruce growled at them.

After putting on their armor, Bruce unless he managed to beat Tim to the computers, a race he had long since given up, did a few more katas and stretches, repeating his litany over and over in his head.

Dick always triple checked his equipment, going over it to make sure it was in top condition. He also covertly checked Tim’s and Jason’s when they let him.

Jason usually spent the run up time checking the vehicles, after the usual offer to check to make sure the explosives were in tip-top shape. Bruce never let him check the explosives for some reason. He made sure they were gassed up, no flats and ready for whatever torture they’d put the vehicles through. Usually this was accompanied by Jason bitching at Nightwing for modifying his motorcycle in new and creative ways, again.

Tim usually beat Bruce to the computers, and spent his time getting online with Oracle, listening to the police scanners, and going over the evening news, as well as any out-standing casefiles. While chatting with Oracle he made sure to note if it was time to approach with chocolate held out. Occasionally he would even warn the others.

Finally, right before they headed out, Tim wandered over to Steph’s case. He touched it, hoping she was watching over him, that she was happy.

Jason always headed over to his own case, tapping it and staring into the empty mask.

“That’s slightly morbid you know,” Robin observed.

“For luck,” Jay grinned rakishly. For temperance, he thought. “Come on, nights a wasting and there are damsels in distress waiting.” He slung an arm over Tim’s shoulders.

“Let’s go,” Robin nodded. He gets in the Red Bird and Jay mounts his motorcycle. The other two are already revving their engines. After one final com check, they headed out into the night.

Alfred quietly folded their discarded clothes, took his seat in front of the computers and sent a prayer up that his boys would return safely with the sun.

*Comments and con-crit welcome. Thinking about looking for a beta.
A/N: Think I just bombed my math test, send good feelings my way please? ‘nother part out tomorrow.*

jason, dick, rog, character: alfred pennyworth, character: bruce wayne, tim, fic

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