Fic: Nice Guys

Jun 29, 2006 10:20

Title: Nice Guys
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Don’t own, wish I did
Series: Part 12 of Robin’s of Gotham, previous parts here
Summary: It’s Dick’s birthday. What should they do?

“It’s Dick’s birthday next week,” Tim rotated the blocks on the screen.

“Nearly forgot,” Jason replied eating popcorn. “Have to let the criminals know to concentrate their hits on his ass.”

“Jason,” Tim glared. “We should do something.”

“What do you have in mind?” Jason asked.

“Party,” Tim replied. He already had made out the lists, but he wasn’t going to reveal that.

“Surprise party?” Jason eyes lit up.

“Sure,” Tim nodded agreeably. “But how are we going to get Dick out of the house?”

“Our co-conspirator,” Jason grinned. Tim’s mind ran through the permutations of the plan and slowly nodded.

“That could work,” Tim decided. “We’ll do it. Go through Alfred to get permission from Bruce, go through Lian to get Dick out of the house, Oracle to get the invitations sent out and RSVP’d. And we might pull it off.”

The next day, after Tim got Alfred in on the plan, Jason called Lian and explained it to her. She enthusiastically agreed to help out and ‘play it cool’. Jason then confirmed that the part he ordered over a month ago would be in, in time for Dick’s birthday. It would need to be picked up in New York but that would work.

The night before the party, Batman assigned Jay and Robin to partner up while he worked a drug ring with Nightwing.

“So, do we have everything?” Jay asked.

“Pizza, breadsticks,” Robin kicked. “Soda, cake” Blocked. “Chips, Dip” Punched. “Cut veggies, more dip.” Knocked out. “Ice cream. Guests?

“All RSVPed as of tonight,” Oracle replied. “Barring a world crisis, everyone should make it.”

“Our co-conspirator knows her part of the, mother fucker,” Jay took a deep breath after he nearly got his head lopped off. “Do you mind? I’m beating the shit out of your friend, and you can damn well wait your turn; or do I have to call the goddamn Batman out here to remind you fuckers that we’re the fucking nice ones.”

“They’d believe you a lot more if most of them didn’t need reconstructive dental surgery after they’re done getting beat by you,” Robin pointed out. “Kon’s bringing Mrs. Kent’s apple pie.”

“Plan,” Jay continued. “So we should be set to go.”

“Did you get D. a present?” Robin asked.

“Yeah, gonna need you to pick it up when you drop D. off tomorrow though,” Jay replied. “You?”

“Got it wrapped already,” Robin confirmed. Big surprise. Jay would lay good money on Tim having had it for a month or more. They laid waste to the criminals for a little while before heading in.

The next day Dick woke up in a good mood. Very few new bruises from the night before shared between them all, he and Batman had almost had a conversation last night. Things were looking up,

He completed his morning ablutions and slid down the banister, earning him an exasperated look from Tim, wandering down the stairs, looking like a zombie. Timmy needed coffee to start the morning. Either that or an adrenaline rush. Jason raced him to the door of the dining room and Bruce was already drinking coffee and studying the paper. Breakfast was on the buffet and it smelled good.

“Jason, did you locate the part I was looking for?” Tim started things off. He basked in the coffee scent before diving in. He had so much to do.

“Yeah, I got it on hold for you in New York,” Jason replied absently. “But they’d only hold it for you for today.”

“I’d better head up then,” Tim nodded.

“After that, skateboarding?” Jason asked.

“Sure,” Tim nodded. “And marathon tetris after that.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Jason grinned. Dick sighed.

“You’re welcome to join us,” Tim offered.

“No, that’s okay,” Dick replied. Alfred approached with the phone.

“Master Roy is asking for you,” he informed Dick.

“Roy?” Dick brightened. They talked for a moment and Dick smiled as he got off the phone. “Tim, can I catch a ride with you into New York?”

“Sure,” Tim shrugged. “Why?”

“Lian wants to see a movie,” Dick replied.

“Cool,” Tim nodded. They finished eating breakfast. Tim and Dick got in the car, and mostly ignoring the speed limits, made it to New York in decent time. Tim dropped Dick off and went to pick Dick’s present from Jason up. Hurrying home he and Jason swung into action, decorating the area the party would be taking place in.

“Uncle Dick!” Lian rushed up to him as soon as he got in the door. He swung her around hugging her in the process.

“Hey Dick,” Roy grinned lazily.

“Roy,” Dick nodded setting Lian down. “How are you?”

“Fine,” Roy replied. “You?”

“A lot better,” Dick replied honestly.

“That’s good,” Roy frowned. “Lian, go get ready to go.” Lian runs to her room.

“Alright, what’s up? Why did you come today?” Roy asked.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Dick said stiffly.

“It’s your birthday, man,” Roy replied.

“At least someone remembered,” Dick muttered bitterly.

“Okay, what happened?” Roy asked.

“Tim and Jason don’t seem to have remembered,” Dick sat down. “They have the whole day planned and didn’t say anything about it.” Roy really can’t say a lot to that. He’s torn between calling and yelling at them, and leaving them to figure out their mistake. But first he intended to make sure Dick had the best birthday possible.

They have a great day. They see a movie, go to the park, yes Roy is a dad, and eat at a cool bistro. Unfortunately, just as they’re arguing about dinner, they receive a phone call summoning Dick back to Gotham. As Tim drove him up, Roy had to drive him back and Lian went along for the ride.

“Are we ready?” Tim asked, for the fifth time in twenty minutes.

“Relax, mini-wing,” Jason grinned. “We’re right on schedule. Food’s here, guests’re here, decorations are up, music picked out, and no one’s attacked.”

“Why did you say that?” Kon demanded. “Now someone’s going to attack.”

“Superstitious much?” Jason smirked. “It’ll be fine.”

“Whatever,” Kon shrugged. He wandered off.

The alarm at the mansion gates was triggered and the lights went out. Everyone hid and as the door opened…

“Thanks for the ride Roy,” Dick smiled.

“I have to go,” Lian announced. “Right now.”

“Come on in,” Dick invited.

“Good,” Lian bounced. She got out of her car seat, and they walked up to the Manor, Lian grinning wildly.

Dick inserted the key into the lock, deactivated the security and opened the door. All the lights were out. Probably everyone was down in the Batcave. He walked into the house and flipped on the lights.

“SURPRISE!!!” a bunch of people popped out from behind furniture and he nearly tosses a batarang at them.

“What?” Dick gaped.

“Happy birthday, biggest bro,” Tim grinned at the shocked expression.

“You, did this, for me?” Dick stuttered. “But how? Why? Roy, did you know about this?”

“No clue,” Roy frowned.

“I organized it, Babs did the invites, Alfred the food, Jay the music, Bruce agreed to host, and Lian got you out of the house so we could do it,” Tim grinned. Lian and Jason high five. Roy looks vaguely proud of her, and yet disturbed at the same time.

“This is great,” Dick grinned ear to ear. He pulled Tim into a tight hug and ruffled his hair. Jason submits to a hug but won’t go so far as to get his hair ruffled.

“Surprised boy wonder?” Babs wheeled up to him.

“Beyond belief,” Dick admitted. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks.”

“It was your brothers’ fault,” Babs disclaimed

“It’s still wonderful,” Dick replied. He took a moment to look around. Around the room were Bruce and Alfred, Clark, Donna, Wally, Garth, Kon and Cassie. A small party with the people he cared about. It was fun. He loved the presents everyone had gotten him, but especially the concert tickets from Tim and the motorcycle part he’d been looking high and low for from Jason.

*as always, comments and con crit welcomed and loved. Does anyone know some deadly Flash villains or people Batgirl pissed off?*

jason, dick, lian, tim, rog, ensemble, roy, character: barbara gordon, fic

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