Fic: Back in Action

Jun 27, 2006 10:48

Title: Back in Action
Disclaimer: Don’t own, wish I did
Rating: PG-13
Series: Robin’s of Gotham part 11 previous parts here
Summary: Kon’s back. Well, most of him.

He wasn’t aware of anything at first. He just drifted, in a state of nothingness. It was nice. There wasn’t anything to worry or stress over. He could just be.

Unfortunately that didn’t last. He slowly became aware of sensations. Pain, nearly unbearable was first. Eventually that subsided to a more bearable level. Then intense good heat. It felt nice. His feet? Feet were cold. Really cold. Which was weird, because the rest of his body wasn’t.

After that, he starts to become more aware of individual sensations, such as the mask over his face, the needles going into his arms and the fact that he’s strapped down. The last one nearly sends him into a panic attack. Strapped down equaled not good apparently.

Still drifting he starts to become aware of voices. Soft low voices that drifted just out of his full hearing. He wondered where he was. He knew he should probably think about opening his eyes and check things out but he was comfortable in the bright warm light. Eventually though, he had to. He needed to scope out the situation. And it sounded like someone was going to touch him.

It was someone in a lab coat. He panicked. Lab coats, unknown once especially were bad. He had to get out now. His vision flared red and there was suddenly a hole in the ceiling. If he could just…reach… that hole he’d be away from the lab coats~. He had to get to that hole. He strained as hard as he could and broke the bindings. He floated, still shooting red bursts of energy up. Cool on the floating, but how to turn the eyes off. Alarms go off below him. He had to get elsewhere. But where?

Somewhere safe would be good. He nearly screams as he’s pulled in sixteen directions at once. Okay, safety alone probably wouldn’t be the best idea.

“Calm down,” a voice in his head says. It doesn’t sound like it’s him. Should he worry? He obeys the voice, taking deep breaths and his laser eyes turn themselves off. Okay, if he’s calm, he doesn’t shoot rays out his eyes. Now where should he go? Safety is good, but not enough. Answers would be nice. Okay, that brought it down to about three directions. What else? Well, somewhere he could be protected from killing someone with his eyes. So protection would be good.

That brought it down to one direction thank goodness. And an image. He hadn’t had an image in his head before. That was good right? But why a bird would mean safety, answers and protection he didn’t know. Oh well, he’d figure it out. Maybe the bird talked.


“I think I’ve received more death threats now, than when I was a murderer,” Jason mused as he caught the batarang. He let it fly almost immediately.

“Well, what do you expect? Your reputation alone,” Tim shrugged neatly catching it and letting it fly.

“But why can’t they give me a chance?” Jason sighed.

“You do know that I will do horrible things to you if you screw it up, and I know where you sleep at night,” Tim glanced at the sky. More out of old habit, but there seemed to be something coming down. Human shaped, and not in control. Huh, Ion and Green Lantern hadn’t told Batman they’d be in the area. Superman was grounded and the shape was definitely male.

It landed, more or less, and looked at the both of them eyes finally resting on Tim.

“Kon?” Tim barely breathed.

“You!” Kon grinned. “Calm down.” It seemed like he was quoting. He passed out.

“Isn’t he dead?” Jason finally asked.

“Yeah,” Tim nodded. “Last we knew.”

“The one you were cloning, right?” Jason asked.

“I stopped, it wasn’t working,” Tim admitted.

“And now he’s in our backyard,” Jason observed.

“Yup,” Tim agreed.

“Naked,” Jason continued.

“Yes,” Tim replied.

“Good, so, when did we start smoking pot?” Jason concluded. “Cause I really would prefer a hotter hallucination.” Tim checked Kon’s vital signs.

“He’s hot enough,” Tim frowned. “Call Bruce and Dick.”

“Already did,” Jason’s eyes lit up with mischief. “So, Superboy’s hot enough for you?”

“I didn’t mean it that way,” Tim replied coolly. “He’s running a temperature.”

“Sure, that’s what you want us to believe, now get back before he tries to kill you,” Jason ordered. Tim stepped back as Bruce and Dick came running out of the house with a stretcher and a familiar lead box. They loaded Kon onto the stretcher and hauled him to the Batcave. Batman started running the tests while Robin got on the computer with Oracle and started hacking the various labs that could conceivably have done it. After several hours, there were no leads.

“It is Kon,” Batman admitted finally.

“So he’s no more a clone than usual?” Jay asked.

“Precisely,” Batman nodded.

“So, what should we do?” Nightwing inquired.

“We allow him to wake up,” Batman frowned. “There will be a watch on him at all times.”

“I’ll take the night watch,” Robin volunteered.

Jay glared hard at him. “Fine. But I’m taking it with you.”

“That’s really not necessary,” Robin protested.

“I’ll take it with him,” Nightwing volunteered.

“Boys,” Batman growled. “Jay can take it with Robin tonight and the next night you can take it.” Robin sighed. Maybe they’d settle down with the better big brother thing sometime this millennia. He doubted it though. He absently rubbed his wrist as he tried to figure out how Kon could be not dead.

“Batman, Kryptonians are empowered by the sun,” Robin frowned. “If we stick him in a tanning bed it should wake him up faster.”

“Good thinking,” Batman nodded. Robin nearly blushed.

Kon opened his eyes. Last he knew he was playing volleyball with Tula and a couple other Titans.

“Hi,” he greeted Robin. Okay, probably alive again. Damn string still attaching him to his body.

“Hi,” Robin tapped at his laptop for a few more moments, an inscrutable look on his face. Which meant either he was hacking something very important, or playing solitaire. Possibly World of Warcraft. Kon came back to himself to find a straw in his face.

“Thanks,” Kon took a sip, hoping there aren’t sedatives in it. “Did you know there’s no sex in heaven?”

“I recall that,” Jay leans over Robin’s shoulder. “He’s awake?”

“Yes,” Robin shot him the Robin patented ‘you’re an idiot for consistently stating the obvious but I put up with you for saving my life on several occasions’ which made Kon wonder who the guy is.

“Who are you?” Kon asked.

“Jason Todd,” Jay replied.

“Who?” Kon frowned. That almost sounded familiar.

“Second Robin, Red Hood,” Jay listed.

“You’re a psychopathic murderer,” Kon sat up to find he’s naked. “Dude, where’d my clothes go?”

“Dunno,” Tim replied. “You didn’t exactly show up with any.”

“And I’m currently a hero with psychopathic inclinations now,” Jay corrected him smirking.

“How long was I gone?” Kon frowned. Apparently he’d missed a few things.

“One year, seven months, three weeks, four days, twelve hours fifteen minutes and,” Tim glanced at Jay’s watch. “Thirty-four seconds.”

“Not that he’s counting,” Jay grinned.

“I wasn’t,” Robin replied calmly. Robin still hadn’t made Jay move and Jay was totally invading Rob’s space. Robin never let anyone get away with that. Not anymore.

“Cassie must be crushed,” Kon frowned.

“Actually Kon,” Robin shifted almost imperceptibly. “Um” Oh shit, Rob never looked this uncomfortable unless he had bad news.

“She’s dead, isn’t she?” Kon breathed.

“No, she just has a new boyfriend,” Robin rested his hand on Kon’s shoulder. “Sorry.”

“Who?” Kon asked. “You?” That would be okay. He really hoped it wasn’t CM3

“No,” Jay replied. “Me.”

*Comments and concrit welcome taken into consideration, and appreciated.*

jason, dick, rog, kon, character: bruce wayne, tim, fic

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