Sep 17, 2010 16:48
Yesterday I was at my University's Registar Office, waiting in a long line to pass off some paperwork. The two students immediately in front of me were obviously ESL and although they spoke perfectly clear (albeit heavily accented) English, the woman at the desk was treating them like they were freaking morons. Every time they asked a question that was obviously conceptual in nature (ie; something an English-First-Language person would probably be asking as well), she slowed her tone right down, started talking really loudly and coached this super irritated, condescending tone into her voice. I gave her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she was just an equal-opportunity asshole, but when I got up there she was all smiles and sparkles and pleasant clarifications for every question I asked.
But I was in a bad mood, so before I left I said to her: "You know, if you're going to treat everyone who's first language isn't English like that, you're going to have a hard time for the rest of your life."
My point is now I'm afraid to go back to the Registar Office. :P
After all the shit that went down last year I feel really unbalanced. All my natural shields are gone for really stupid reasons (and really stupid people) and it's not only made me into more of a crybaby doormat that usual, it's also kind of made me into a huge bitch. I have no shields against my own anger anymore. I get angry about everything these days. I'm impatient, I hold grudges, I take tantrums and I tell people exactly what I think of them when I probably shouldn't.
I dunno why I'm even ranting about this. It's just a little disconcerting. I'm not entirely sure what to do about it.
I am also sick of being told that all my problems would be fixed if I ate ~*~Health Food~*~ and ~*~Meditated~*~. I know the people who tell me that mean well but holy shit these are my friends so I can't just say: "Eating more like you isn't going to uncurve my spine, fix my bipolar, pay off my debts OR punch my old roomates in the face." But you know what? It's not.