
Nov 11, 2011 23:32

Clarke would have put the odds of ever seeing Sam again right up there with winning Star Search or becoming a Perry Ellis model. She was in Washington all along, just like he was. She was probably in the hospital somewhere when he was having surgery. It was surreal to imagine. His excitement to see her was pure after the past week it felt good. Of course, after enduring him going on about Jen she was probably less excited to see him but that was alright.

Generally whenever he would think about Sam, his mind would pull up memories of her father, kind when he wanted to be, intimidating most of time, and fiercely protective of his kids. Terrifying if you're a white boy from the city trying to date his daughter, when according to him she should be dating the boy in the church choir who's from a nice black family. Actually, Clarke had met the kid in question and he was alright. It turns out very few 18 year old kids want to be told who they're supposed to marry regardless of circumstances.

In any event, they had been a couple of amazing summers. Now they we're all grown and in the same city again. He liked remembering those amazing summers but he had no desire to go back there. He was excited just to be friends because right now he could use one.

He got off the metro at Georgetown Hospital, thinking they'd go to Alero's or Casa Azul, both were good and within walking distance.

verse: dc, sam, rp, samantha cole

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